Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Too Young to Die

Early Sunday Morning on the 12th of June 49 people were gunned down in cold blood and another 53 were injured by bullets from two high capacity, quick loading weapons. The shooter, an American born 29 year old, called 9-1-1 during his three hour rampage at a gay night club to pledge his allegiance to ISIS. I was still awake when the news started coming in on TV and the coverage was nonstop the rest of the weekend and next few days. 

By Sunday afternoon I wanted to talk to someone about it and I went to Facebook where I was surprised that no one in my circle of friends and family mentioned the shootings except for three people who often post their support for the NRA and Trump. No posted banners of solitary like with the massacre in Paris, no prayer chains appeared in my Facebook feed. Not one line of sympathy, just the three who were hyperbolic about the fact that the news outlets were falsely claiming that what happened in Orlando was the “biggest mass murder in U.S. history” when the Wounded Knee Massacre of 1890, where 150 died, was worse. But as I read through their comments it became clear that my Facebook contacts didn’t care about accuracy in reporting. They were holding up Wounded Knee as an example of what happens when you take guns away from people. I didn’t add anything to their exchange but I did post a ‘support Orlando banner’ on my page and left. I was upset that even before all the bodies had been processed from the crime scene, even before people knew if their loved ones were alive or dead the gun debate was rearing its ugly head. Where was the compassion I expected? Sometimes it’s best not to know how your family and friends think. 

By Monday morning Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were sniping at each other over how we should be handling terrorism and I was frustrated that I didn’t have a sounding board for expressing my feelings when I found myself sitting in a dealership’s waiting room with seven or eight others. It’s a service center I’ve been in often over the past 15 years and have known it to usually be filled with friendly and chatty people from the surrounding rural towns and farms. Not this time. No one said a single word the entire hour I was there. Some were playing on their cell phones and some, like me, were watching the TV coverage from Orlando. And while I haven’t cried in many months when a big, burly black guy came into the waiting room wearing a t-shirt with the word, “Orlando” written on the front I could feel a full-on cry-fest coming on and I had to work hard at talking myself down to keep that from happening. It was like I’d finally found someone else who cared, someone else who needed to make a statement. I wanted to say something to t-shirt man as I left but “nice shirt” was all I could come up with and that sounded trite so I said nothing.

I went home and hopped on an internet message board where I knew claws would be out as the massacre was hotly debated by everyone from flag kissers to secessionists, from far left Democrats to far right Republicans, from pot stirring trolls to thoughtful, deep thinkers. It sucks to live alone when you want to have a conversation and message boards have to substitute for human contact. But at least I had my say with some people agreeing with me and others calling me nasty names like “libtard” for caring about a “bunch of fags.” It’s a Wild West kind of place and I expected what I got. 

Monday night reports were coming in that the shooter---in a strange paradox---had his profile up on  dating websites for gays, had three gay meet-up apps on his cell phone and guys who had had exchanges with him over the past couple of years had turned their cell phones over to the FBI. A drag queen said the shooter had been his friend and his x-wife said she didn’t know if he was gay but he liked to hang out at their clubs. Conspiracy theorists had already spun the whole mass killing as a “false flag” that never happened, and Trump was using his dog whistle on conspiracy nuts by “suggesting” that President Obama was on the side of the terrorists, adding that he should resign if he won’t use the words, ‘radical Islam terrorism.’ And here we thought Trump had dropped his Obama-is-a-secret-Muslim Birther crusade. 

In the meanwhile the Go-Fund-Me that was set up to help the victim’s families pay for funerals and medical bills had collected over three million dollars by Tuesday morning proving that people actually do care when others die too young. And maybe this bleeding heart liberal will be able to sleep tonight knowing it's true, what the creator of ‘Hamilton’ (the play) wrote in the sonnet that was read at the Tony Awards on Sunday:

"We lived through times when hate and fear seemed stronger;
We rise and fall and light from dying embers, remembrances that hope and love last longer
And love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love cannot be killed or swept aside."

+ + + + + + + + +
For a searing editorial about the obstructionism in Congress and gun control, watch comedian Samantha Bee here. Spoiler Alert: There is strong, graphic language that might offend some. 

To watch the president's speech about the tragedy in Orlando and fighting terrorism (including his response to Trump's ridiculous taunting) watch here.

Another good editorial was given by Seth Meyer and can be watched here.


  1. I wrote a light post about ceiling fans and leveling patios on Sunday morning. I was completely in the dark about the shooting. I usually turn the television on in the morning to find out what happened while I was sleeping. I watch while I drink my coffee. But I never turned it on that morning. After writing my post, I went outside and stayed until afternoon, reading a book. I was blissfully out of touch with the world. We didn't know until H noticed a news alert on his phone in early afternoon. So crazy. The same thing happened when Osama bin Laden was shot. I didn't know until I read it on someone's blog. I thought it was a joke until I checked the news. How can anyone be so out of touch nowadays?

    It must have been chaotic and terrifying for those who were there. And for many of us who learn about tragedies by way of news, it continues to be disturbing but no longer shocking. I'm never shocked or even surprised anymore. I continue to hope that lawmakers and politicians in general will come together and find a way to compromise, a way to stop mass shootings or at least reduce the number of deaths when they do happen, but I shudder to think what it will take for that to happen. I wish I could be more optimistic. That is what is needed: a few people in key positions who are optimistic, reasonable and willing to compromise on a few things. Oh, yes, and common sense. It would be nice to see common sense make an appearance again. I'm not sure we'd recognize it if we saw it. It's been so long.

    1. I think a lot of people don't follow the news enough to know what is going on. I was at a sleep and stress workshop yesterday and when someone mentioned she didn't have any stress and I said the news can stress you out and the woman replied, "Oh, I turn that stuff off." I can understand we can all get overloaded but I also fear that if too many people ignore what is going in the world history will keep repeating itself. At least there was a mini revolt in Congress when Ryan asked for a moment of silence for the victims. Others were calling out "Where is the bill?" Ryan won't let them vote on a bill that prevents people on the no-fly list from buying guns and the protesters where sick of just doing moments of prayer and nothing to actually take some measures to cut down on giving homegrown terrorists easy access to guns.

  2. Thank you for your great post! Now I can also let off steam.

    You are not alone in being frustrated. I'm not American but we have politicians here who are T-clones, like a rabid car-chasing dog who will not know what to do when he gets the car (I read that description, and its so true).

    I've been on the internet pretty much 24/7 the last few days. I liked that some news editorials very clearly denounced T (the inflammatory words! the hypocrisy!! of calling others liars when he lies ALL the time). I then went on sites that I knew were strongly conservative, just to read what they/their readers opined and get a balanced picture. I couldn't read for long, my temper flared. Its true we read what validates/reinforces our opinions. I understand the frustration of people having to choose between a dangerous demagogue and the unlikable one (sorry, but I don't like her), but when I hear the way he's inflaming people!!!! he could be setting off race riots all over. If I were a minority, I would be feeling very scared. He's made Muslims the new hatred point, the new Jews - perhaps because his daughter is a converted Jew, so they're safe from him? (I found that about Ivanka in my readings yesterday). Like I said, I wouldn't like the choice, but to choose T? sorry, that to me, is unimaginable.

    I've been bullied at work and tried to fight back with all the anti-discrimination laws prevalent here etc - in vain, the Establishment was too strong; also, the current climate of unemployment made people fearful - otherwise colleagues would not have let the blatant bullying happen. Later on, I watched as the person in the highest position in the land - the female Prime Minister - was bullied/harassed and thought "who does she go to for justice?!". T is bullying President Obama - I queried that on the web knowing there would be others thinking the same, and there were articles affirming that and referencing Obama joking at T (and yes, had seen the Youtube clips before - re the birther claims) which some could say was bullying - but Obama cracked jokes at others too, including himself (or am I biased in Obama's favour?).

    I thought it was the lack of education generally that was responsible for T's rise. But then I read of highly-positioned educated men defending his stupid rants against the Judge, so that's not it. My dad did only a BA at university but he is one of the most knowledgeable people that I know. One of our past PMs here never went to university, but is so erudite that its unbelievable. Point being that I can't say its lack of education. The very people who are going to suffer from T. are those that are cheering him on - the ones who bleat that they don't want socialism but very happy with their food stamps and Medicare. When I'm angriest, I think they deserve him.

    I understand life is about a "club"- be it religion,race, politics, etc and you stick to the tribal code. But surely common sense also has to prevail?! I didn't find the USA elections interesting before because the candidates were all equally uninspiring (no Obama amongst them). Here also its the same, drab elections and for the first time I'm crossing tribal lines so understand that its not easy to do.

    However, your elections now have an anti-Obama (like an anti-Christ), a negatively polarising figure who I detest, and it is amusing watching the GOP all "tie themselves into pretzels!!!

    I look up the betting odds to figure out who will win, but they've been wrong before in elections, so who knows? If USA could survive Bush, it will survive (sorry, Jean R., it could happen - in the anonymity of the election box, people will vote whichever way).

    To end on a more cheerful note, I just saw a clip on NYT where strangers, black and white, came to the aid of a man who fell on the subway rails. The multicultural unity was very heartening to see.

    I apologise for taking over your blog. I promised myself before I wouldn't waffle here, but have broken it today. ~ Libby

    1. Libby, If you're wondering how this "lost" post finally made it's way to where it belongs two days late, I found it in my spam folder.I was on the edge of falling to sleep and got up to check and there it was. Anyway, YOU didn't do anything wrong, it was me. Great post by the way.

  3. PS - my admiration for President Obama soared when he gave his speech. I like the fact that he's usually calm, but boy! did he rip (and very deservedly, into T). I wondered if he would say those unsayable words three times - like abracadabra - and then with that quizzical/whimsical look he does so well, exclaim "why didn't the magic words work and ISIS disappear?!". But it was too solemn an occasion. Like the world press often says, USA will not know how lucky you were to have Obama until after he's gone. Also that Bush led to Obama, and Obama leads to T. (the flip-flops of life). ~ Libby

    1. I loved that speech, too, and actually posted it on this blog with you and others overseas in mind in case it wasn't available there.

      You can be sure I'll be first in line to buy Obama's first book when he leaves office, when he doesn't have to hold back. I agree with the world press, that he is under appreciated here in the States.

  4. PS2- you know what else I hate about T. - the grinning idiot sycophants he has positioned behind him, or the eye candy (daughter/wife). And when T. incited his stupid crowds to turn on protesters, I thought "can't they arrest him for inciting racial hatred?!" - not that it would have helped, just made his cause greater. The GOP can't even not nominate him, the mob fury would be too great. As he said, he could shoot someone and still be elected.

    If its any consolation, USA is just following the pattern of other countries electing idiots who promise the world, and then will crush all liberties. Empires rise and fall, and the ones on the highest peak, fall the greatest (or some such words).

    Is Romney sobbing because he (really) wants to be pushed forward as the GOP nominee? not that it will help.

    I watched S. Bree - and cheered!!! - now off to watch President Obama's speech again. ~ Libby

    1. What Trump was suggesting is that Obama is committing high treason and I don't see how Republican leaders in good faith can back Trump by remaining silent when he talks so recklessly.

      Donald's wife always looks like a prisoner when she stands on stage in my opinion. Romney is a man of high moral character. My admiration for him as risen because he truly is putting country over party by speaking out against D.T. Samantha Bee did nail it, didn't she.

  5. PS3- I now understand the previously-inexplicable-to-me: how Hitler rose in Germany. Same rants and raves. Same extravaganza at events for his admirers (T. promising a gala performance at nomination). The idea of a hat with the slogan-words he's borrowed from an Indian politician, who looks even stupider than T.

    OK, no more from me. Please don't block me from commenting on your blog. ~ Libby

    1. I would never block you, Libby. I like hearing the views of people in other countries. I often think you know more about what goes on in the USA than a lot of people who live here. Hilter was and Trump is a fear monger. It's scary to think that era of history could actually repeat itself.

  6. As you'd have reasoned out, reason why people at the dealership weren't commenting re Orlando is that the issues involved - homophobia, Islam, gun control - are controversial. No one knows if you're pro/anti the above and ready to fight for it. Same reason we talked only of bland subjects like the weather at the office - not that people didn't have an opinion, but who knows WHAT opinion and if you have to work with these guys, well better not to talk on these topics. ~ Libby

    1. I'm sure you're right about why no one was talking in the dealership. It still felt like there was an elephant in the room. I'm going to lunch today and Friday with a bunch of woman. It will be interesting if the shootings come up.

  7. I have no idea how these comments and replies got out of order from their time stamps! I didn't know that was possible.

  8. I've never been so silent on anything as I have this shooting. I think it's because I'm too stunned. I'm devastated that Republican leaders are endorsing Donald Trump in spite of his angry rhetoric. I'm more angry at the Republican leaders in Congress than I am Trump. I have to idea where to turn to correct the situation we have now in our country. I feel very helpless.

    1. Gosh, I never thought to relate silence with being stunned. I actually did struggle with the decision to write about this topic, or not but I just couldn't bring myself to write about anything else.

      I checked Facebook this morning and still no prayer chains or mention of Orlando from family and friends EXCEPT for the three mentioned in my blog who have gone on to post Trump quotes about the president. I did notice that no others have commented on them in support or otherwise. I posted an article about comfort dogs going to Orlando just to see if anyone would comment. I try very hard not to mix family/friends and politics and the dog post is the closest I've come to breaking that rule and that's pretty covert.

  9. Not too many posts from my FB friends either. I think we have come to the point of, "Oh. Again? How tragic." and then go on with our day. I did comment on one of my liberal friends posts and she accused me of not being sad enough--she lives near Orlando. I replied back, that I was sad. I was also sad for San Bernadino, Paris, Fort Hood, New York city. I don't think it is a gun issue. The Muslim Quran instructs to kill ALL infidels, by whatever means. The Radicals take that to heart. They still hold onto the OLD laws of their religion. Remember the Muslim raids on France back in the 700-800's. They were fierce to kill every Catholic and burn their churches. Mateen could have had on an explosive vest. He could have gone in waving a machete. You can't do much when someone is determined to kill. I just wonder why our (not so great) government FBI and others, who had him on a watch-list, let us down. I just wonder why it took the police and swat teams so long to react. I just wonder when and where the next attack will occur. because we know it will and no matter who is President, they won't be able to stop it.

    1. I think your liberal friend was wrong to accuse you of not being sad enough. No one knows what's in anyone's heart. Unless you called her a "libtard" for caring for "a bunch of fags." LOL.

      Sunday three Christian Baptist preachers put their sermons on YouTube praising the fact that so many gays got killed and too bad the death count wasn't higher. The Quran is not unique in inspiring people to hate. Passages in both the Bible and Quran have done that and it's up to religious people in both faiths to call them out for taking them so literally.

      The FBI has investigated and prevented thousands of plots from being carried through. I refuse to second guess them on this shooter.

      The shooter claimed he had a suicide vest on when he called the police which, I'm sure, factored into the swat team's reactions. The police did help over 200 people escape the club before the swap team went in and, again, I'm not going to second guess the decisions made. The time lines will examined in depth by experts, I'm sure.

      Unfortunately, the world will see more attacks. The hate has to stop!

  10. Jean :

    I was so looking forward to someone to talk about this topic. I don't understand why in this country people so easily can buy assault weapon so easily & can kill so many innocents. my hubby who can see silver lining in any bad adversity sees that this killing at gay club should bring all americans together against these terrorists. he feels gay or straight if u kill one american we will all unite together & get rid of these extremists. So nothing is wasted. I so pray he is right cause thats what I felt after sandy hook shooting that something will be done by these politicians about gun control after so many kids lost their life. you can't be safe in school church, office & we call this is free country? Unless politicians can stand up to these lobbyists NRA nothing is going to happen be it democrate or GOP president I so pray americans don't elect GOP candidate because they don't like hillary


    1. I mirror your thoughts, Asha. And I hope your husband has good reason to see a sliver lining. Right now there is a filibuster going on in the senate to try to bring about a vote on tighter gun controls. It's a start. How many Sandy Hooks and Orlando's are they going to let happen before Republican lawmakers start thinking for themselves and quit letting the RNA do it for them?

      I saw a spokesperson for the LBGT community say, when asked what she thought about Trump saying only he can keep them safe from Muslim territories and she had such a good answer. Something like we're not going to promote hate and intolerance against a group of people when we ourselves have suffered from those things.

  11. HI Jean R. - my original post seems to have got lost in the ether, although the numerous (sorry!) post scrips came through. No probs - it was all written-diarrhoea and nothing that's not been said already. The internet offers a wonderful chance of interconnecting worldwide and its heartening to read similar views, and conversely, an eyeopener to read opposite views. I'm going to be brief:

    I'm writing to say that I agree with all your thoughts - except that I don't like HRC. BUT, between the choice offered, I'd NEVER vote for T. so she'd get my vote. I'm not American, but we all face these decisions in our elections and I'm finding I politicians are becoming clones of each other. I think to abstain from voting because the choice is hard is not right (don't understand how the Bushes can adopt that stance). But "live and let live" has to prevail, and diversity is important.

    Its true that there seems to be no response to Orlando similar to J'suis Charlie or the others. Perhaps its because its been highjacked by T's tweet? But shameful that religious groups of different persuasion are so backward - each to his own.

    If T. loses, its frightening to think that there are all these millions of his supporters out there. We had the same here in Oz, and survived.


    1. On the Bushes not voting...I could be wrong but I took that to mean they wouldn't be voting at the Republican Convention. They don't call them super delegates in their party but people of their stature get to vote like state delegates do. When the general election comes, I'd be shocked if they didn't vote at all, probably for a fringe candidate.

      T.D. did try to use the shooting to grab another news cycle, just like he always does but this time he really ticked off a lot people beyond just Democrats. I think the thing that has shocked me the most is that D.T. has brought so many haters and low information voters out of the closet.

      I thought that was odd that you that you had 3 P.S. but no main post. Something goofy was going on in cyberspace.

  12. I don't have anything more to say than Samantha Bee.
    How many deaths does it take til you know that too many people have died.


  13. Jean R. - it was by chance I scrolled to the top and saw the missing comment - thank you for posting it. Like most, I've become cynical about politicians and their motives, so thx about Romney. I liked him, and what I saw of him during my brief look-in at his debates with Obama - nice to know that he's ethical. My earlier impression was based on his dole bludgers remark, casual attitude to his dog on the car's roof rack, and turnabout on Obamacare even tho' it resembled his own healthcare model. On such brief glimpses are impressions formed! Also liked Bush Sr (and found it heartening to read that he and Obama have mutual respect), but not Jr, nor Jeb. Politics is such a tough game at times, why should people get in it other than for the money?! tho' these days, it doesn't seem to be an easy lot for GOP members with a conscience. They will not speak up against T. and since its their livelihood at stake, I can't really blame them.

    When I hear President Obama's reasons on why he doesn't use "radical Islam", I understand and agree completely.

    It has occurred to me that the Obama family is too perfect - dread reading, once he leaves office, of scandals emerging. Some fairytales should live on and continue to give hope. ~ Libby

    1. I agree with everything you've said here including the dog on the top of car which really bothered the heck out of me. I even posted a photo on my Facebook page.

      I honestly don't think any scandals will emerge about Obama's family after he leaves office. The seem committed and in love, even their daughters have a lot of grace for kids so young. But I also agree that some fairy tales should live on, if they aren't what they seem. Young kids need something to look up to and to emulating. I hear they plan to stay involved in issues related to education after he leaves office.

  14. Great post, links ( I watched them all) and fabulous comments here. Me? I've only dared talk to like-minded folks tut, tut, tutting and shakily making predictions that people will wake up before it's too late and T gets voted into office. oh...I forgot. I DID comment on FB, respectfully disagreeing that access to guns isn't the problem. You can imagine I did not get any respectful responses.

    I see this through the lens of trauma. Not trauma quite as engulfing and 9/11, but trauma nonetheless. Some of us are in shock, and haven't shaken off the shock to mobilize. The process of trauma is roughly 1) - shocking event 2)- locating the shock itself 3)- orienting ourselves to it 4)- fleeing, fighting, or freezing. Note that NONE of these stages involve our higher thinking OR our emotions. These first processors of shock trauma play out within our nervous system, in its very primitive mandate to keep ourselves alive above all. WHEN our primal need to be safe is assured, THEN we can begin to process thoughts and feelings and bring the full weight of our personhood to bear. If people are already off-kilter, jumpy, a hair away from our reptilian brain seizing control... I believe T, in this election cycle, has brought this nation to this edge. I believe what we're witnessing is national PTS (post traumatic stress) and whether it turns into PTSD depends entirely on guidance we get. T is deliberately retraumatizes. I am stunned how predatory he is. But it is the nature of narcissists that they are unaware that they are unaware. So he doesn't even realize how dangerous he is. Lack of sane leadership/guidance for people in shock leads to PTSD, that complete collapse of confidence good men and women have. Instead one has the complete collapse of our individual common sense and our potency to regain our footing.

    I was so proud of Obama's leadership in the aftermath, and SO disgusted with T's leadership. I'm still shaking inside, about the event, about Congress's impotence, about this election cycle. I am coming out of the closet and supporting Hilary. She's not perfect, but she's got enough on the ball to be the leader of our nation. Go Hilary!

    1. I can sure tell you've been doing a lot of work on your PTSD from this post. (And of course, from reading your blog since the first of the year.) I, too, worry about what our country is going through and your theory of a national PTS is interesting. Our do-nothing-congress, in my opinion, has brought us to this boiling point coupled with the fact that a fraction of population have never accepted that a black man could governor as a president. Your opinions and mine will be on the right side of history regarding Obama and Hillary.

      The anti-gun control/trump supporters on my FaceBook are still posting junk but they aren't getting any comments one way or another. Still makes me sad.

      By the way, all of your duplicate posts did go through.

  15. Again, here in Maui ... we are making a one mile braided ti leaf lei. I haven't gone over yet (house guest) but probably will. Starting with Sandy Hook grade school. It isn't much but it involves many people, many hands and many loving thoughts.

  16. Jean :

    I am just thinking & would like to get thoughtful response to my observation. why this time massacre on LGBT community in orlando has not gotton every one rallied behind president to do something about gun control & against republcans who are sitting in NRAs lap,country was behind president 100% after 9/11 and angry after sandy hook but seems like this time people r not doing same after orlando attack. is it because its on LGBT community, if thats the case I feel so ashamed.


    1. In my opinion, I think it's because after 9/11 EVERYONE felt like America was the target where as with Orlando most people know the target was the LGBT community so they don't feel personality at risk. With the Newton massacre of little kids people were (in their minds) willing to chalk it up to a madman, an isolated thing. No national thinking as one entity. People tend to tell themselves whatever it takes to make themselves feel safe and blaming the president, Muslims and/or immigration is part of's like sucking on a pacifier. It is shameful that Republicans aren't standing up to the NRA. It doesn't have to be an all or nothing thing to enact sensible gun controls! I am hopeful, there could some compromises this time. At least the filibusterer brought about a forthcoming vote. It's a start. Those of us who care about this issue need to know how our representatives and senators vote on these bills and cast our votes in the fall accordingly.

  17. Facebook friend me!!! I'm there and I'm with you. Nearly all my FB friends were appalled and sharing support. Think I've winnowed my friends down to true friends who think pretty much like I do. That's OK with me. I like the support and feeling of comaradarie. I avoid the chat rooms that you visit where people think opposite of me. My blood pressure can't take it. I don't mind a well-researched, well-reasonined difference of opinion and argument, but those are rare on the internet. And the name calling is so offensive. Thanks for your links. I had already seen them, and agree they are great. Samantha Bee's show is a must watch at my house.

  18. I need to start watching Samantha Bee. I'm a Daily Show fan where (I think) she got her start years ago with Jon Stewart.

    Can you believe it, none of my Facebook contacts has written a single line of support or sympathy for what happened in Orlando. Some of the young families, I'm sure, don't follow the news but others just jumped into the gun control aspect and support for Trump and they've been at it every day since.

    I'm going to leave a comment on your blog but don't publish it.

    1. Thanks for the "comment". I can't fight with the those who are a) supporting Trump, b) gun advocates (without limits). It's too demoralizing.

      Yes, Samantha Bee and her husband Jason Jones were both on the old Daily Show. I didn't always lover her there, but I do love her new show, which in my mind is now better than all the other Daily Show-type shows including the "new" Daily Show. I really wanted to like Trevor Noah, but I just don't find him as funny or insightful as Jon Stewart, who is still my boyfriend. :)

    2. Funny, I can fight anonymously with the best of them about guns and Trump but I don't touch the FB posts by relatives and friends. The stakes are too high to alienate anyone who might have to give me a ride to the hospital some day. LOL

      Trevor took time to grow on me, but I do like him, but no one will ever be as good as Jon. I also still like Steven Colbert thou I likes his old persona better.

    3. P.S. Jon Stewart would make the best boyfriend in the world. Looks, brains, moral fiber, sense of humor, sex appeal...gosh, I need to find a photo of him to tape on my mirror. ;)


Thanks for taking the time to comment. If you are using ANONYMOUS please identify yourself by your first name as you might not be the only one. Comments containing links from spammers will not be published. All comments are moderated which means I might not see yours right away to publish through for public viewing as I don't sit at my computer 24/7.