Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Doing Nothing is Everything

Old people can be fun and funny. Sometimes intentional, other times it’s just because its the nature of beast. In case you're thinking I'm calling my fellow residents here at this continuum care complex  ‘beasts’ I should insert a side note here: The proverb ‘the nature of the beast’ has been around for centuries as noted in John Ray’s 1678 Collection of English Proverbs. Back then, when people dealt more closely with animals in their every day life it was more than just a metaphor. You wouldn’t, for example, get mad when a fox got into the hen house because that’s the nature of the beast. You’d just look for and patch the place where the fox got into the hen house. In this century the urban dictionary says the term means “…certain aspects a person or thing reveals themselves on a regular basis. ’It doesn’t really surprise me that she said that to you. Don’t take it personally.’” Yup, like I said old people can really be funny. It’s in our nature to laugh at nonsense---if not create it for others to laugh at---and google stuff no one really cares about. 

A couple of days ago I hit the jackpot at lunch and sat at a table of six others who all had similar senses of humor. We laughed so hard we had others coming over to tell us the old joke, “Keep it down. You’re having too much fun.” I was the last one to join the table and when I sat down I announced: “I will warn you all that I’ve never had soup in this place that I haven’t spilled it on myself.” And another woman confessed she never orders soup in public because she can’t not spill it either. The conversation evolved into us trying to figure out why we can eat soup at home and not spill it but we can’t carry that skill into public places and we determined its all in the posture and our willingness to get closer to our bowls at home. Someone came up with the idea of making a fortune designing sippy cups for soup. Starbucks got adults to drink coffee out of sippy cups, why not soup? It might not be the answer to world peace but we did prove that old people can still problem solve with the best of them.

We filled two hours up with conversations like the above. At one point someone noticed the farmhouse table got new chairs and we all had to try them out and rate the experience. No one thought they were comfortable and I said all restaurant chairs are sold according to how fast you want your customers to turn over. “There are chairs that make your butt hurt at one hour, a hour and a half or two.” I have no clue if that’s an urban legend or it's true but we were all on a roll of irreverent one liners and that was before we started critiquing the four ‘fat people’ chairs in the cafe` and the two faux leather chairs by the fireplace. Unless you’re brand new to the campus or you’re wearing Velcro pants no one sits in those leather chairs because they dump you on floor. 

Sitting here typing this I couldn’t tell you the names of all the people who sat around that table. I’m just not good at names and I never have been and I’ve concluded that’s because I’ve never made much of an effort in the past, especially when I didn’t think I’d cross paths with the person I was being introduced to in the moment. But a high percentage of the ladies here at the CCC spent their careers in the teaching profession and were discussing, one day, their tricks for remembering the names of their students. They find something about that person they can associate with their name. Ohmygod, I can’t do that or I’d be accidentally bellowing out stuff like, “Hi Squeaky Wheel!” or beautiful blouse, “Ms Tight-Ass.” 

Remember how I used to get so uptight about what others here wore and how out-classed I felt in the fashion department of senior living? Now, two months later I’m still out-classed by most of the women but it doesn’t bother me anymore. There are others here who, like me, wear sweatshirts and one lady who I really admired for her causal three piece sports outfits when we first met wears that same two outfits so often she probably has to stay home when they need to go in the laundry. I can picture her in nightgown doing the laundry. 

Another woman who has an expensive looking and well curated wardrobe wore an extra-large headless snowman pin the other day. She said she'd had it repaired several times but the poor guy’s head keeps breaking off. She named the jewelry designer who I didn’t and still don’t know but I couldn’t help myself from asking if the snowman was from the designer’s Stephen King collection. Thankfully she laughed along with everyone else. Anyone with the guts to wear a diamond encrusted, headless snowman because she “loves him so much” would have to have a sense of humor. ©


  1. Oh I hope you find that same group so you can get that daily dose of belly laughs. I have a group--we haven't met since Covid-- that use to get that same "You are all having too much fun," from those leaving. Miss those days and so happy you can enjoying them.

    1. It's impossible to pick a time to have lunch or dinner and meet up with same combination of people. I wish I could.

  2. Glad you're finding your groove.
    The headless snowman is funny. I guess it's better to wear than sit broken in one's jewelry box. But I find it funny

    1. I would never have the gut to wear a headless snowman. LOL

  3. I related to your comment about the woman who has two versions of a great outfit. In my job I was once tasked with buying all new artwork for our fancy new office. Thankfully instead of sending me out alone, they hired an art consultant to work with me. She wore one of the most beautiful suits I have ever seen, which intimidated me a bit. But over a couple of appointments I realized she wears the same suit every single day. It makes sense, because we were traveling all around visiting artists and galleries, never going to the same place twice. It gave me good perspective on understanding other peoples' practices.

    1. It actually makes sense to have a couple of great quality outfits that wear well and always look well than having a bunch of cheaper clothing like I tend to buy in recent years that "age" rather quickly.

  4. Once you get your group that you are comfortable with, you can set up a meeting time. My Mom had her "lunch bunch" that met for lunches and they would show up to sit together. She had a different "breakfast bunch" to meet with and she sure looked forward to visiting with these friends she made.

    1. I've kind of fallen in to a group that meets in the fine dining restaurant on Saturday nights. A little classier group than the lunch set so I'm sure you're right. But I'm happy just taking what comes for now.

  5. This post makes me happy. I remember when you were trying hard to branch out and find friends, resulting in your Gathering Girls. Now you're in a community where it's easy to socialize and stay engaged and spry.

    Such a Good Thing!

    1. I did make the right decision to move here. I'd been alone and too vulnerable for too long.

  6. I must say that the older I get the more I feel like I'm living the life of a college kid now. There I was, as a kid, thinking that I would have all of the answers and be so wise. Ah well, I am having fun in my 70's. Jean, you are, too.

    1. Silly fun, too me is the best kind of fun. I was one of those silly kids who could laugh at any and everything and there are moments here when I feel like a kid again.

  7. I’m so glad it’s working so well for you! I know you did a lot of research, but there are never any guarantees in life. This place is a winner. šŸ‘šŸ˜Š

  8. We have taken to wearing bibs.
    They call them clothing protectors, but w3e know they are really bibs.

  9. People need to be comfortable and as we age I think we care less what others think about how we look. A sense of humor is truly important. When my Dad was in the assisted living center that point was driven home almost every time we visited.

    1. Did my time visiting my husband's mother in a facility weekly for seven years. I know exactly what you mean.

  10. I remember names and faces by attaching a 'naughty' image. Works every time! Some of those ladies may have had as good a time as you did and try to replicate it by coming back same day, same time. Worth a try??

    If I used a sippy cup for soup I'd have that all over myself too! What we need is waist length bibs.

    1. They make waist length bibs for adults. I had a couple for my husband and we both used them we ate in our car.

      Lots of people living here have lives outside of the campus and this time of the year a lot of shopping is going on. Hard to predict when anyone is coming down to eat.

  11. A headless snowman brooch is a great conversation starter! Maybe she is crazy like a fox (who got into the henhouse). The nature of her particular beast and all that.... ;-)
    Lovely post, Jean!


  12. I love the snowman story! And the person who came up with the chair theory might have a point!

    1. That would be me. I THINK it's true but I didn't want to state it as fact Because I can't remember where I heard it and thus can't judge my own credibility on it. LOL

      You would love the headless snowman too. It was about the size of a ginger man cookie cutter and it was encrusted in what looked like real diamonds.

  13. Whenever possible, I choose to be with people who love to laugh. It's great that you've found some other people who like to have a good time, too. It sounds like you're really getting used to your new place and the residents there. I hope you're dodging that lousy omicron virus! I know you're in Michigan, and I haven't heard much about the numbers in your state. Stay well, Jean, and a very Merry Christmas to you.

    1. The numbers are high for the covid and the omicron is in our state. The local hospital is back to having refrigerator trucks outside to storage bodies that can't process fast enough, It's all unvaccinated people filling up the hospitals. Expecting a surge after the holidays from family parties. We haven't had any cases on campus since Thanksgiving.

    2. Good to hear that you and your neighbors on campus are staying healthy!

  14. Mr. Ralph had commuting bibs ... a friend made a dark brown one with a black coffee cup on it .... so no one knew!

    I dress the same every day! But I have 4 shirts and 3 pairs of yoga pants. If I'm "dressing up" I add a scarf or a necklace. Simple, no thinking COMFORT!

    1. Bibs would be good for commuters. With so many people drinking coffee in their cars you'd think they'd be more mainstream.

      You know hell froze over if you ever see me in tights. They are cute on petite people but way too many plus sizes wear them, in my opinion.

  15. I'm nearly always in the same colored tights as this particular purchase, I bought 3 of the same color. It just seemed easier...and if I'm going out I seem to wear just one top that I like. I'm not sure anyone particularly noticed!

    Good to hear you've settling the headless snowman brooch

    1. When my husband I used to go clubbing I used to wear the same long dress every Saturday...we're talking the '70s and I still have that dress for sentimental reasons. Here, where we're seeing the same people day in and day out it makes me feel weird to wear the same thing consecutive days in a row.

  16. Sounds like some fun is being had maybe not by me

  17. Great news. Laughing is a definite way to make friends. I'm glad you've come to the realization that you can wear whatever you want, external validation be damned. Happy Holidays my friend!

    1. Right back at you. I hope your Christmas is all you want it to be.

  18. Having something to dress up in and a lot of jeans and leggings is my strategy. :) And I'm convinced not many people notice what anyone else is wearing unless they're obsessed with clothes/fashion/etc. And even then.

    I hope you have a great Christmas! And we have to schedule a coffee date after the New Year. :-)

    1. I used to live in blue jeans and I miss those days. I'll never be that body type again. I don't remember what I wear from day-to-day I don't know why I think others will notice if I repeat the same outfit too close together. LOL

      That would be a 'yes' on the coffee some day.

  19. I do so wish you could surreptitiously take pictures of the folks you tell us about! I hope you hit the dining jackpot again today. Merry Christmas!

  20. A Headless Diamond Encrusted Snowman Pin is hilarious and certainly a conversation starter... it would be my type of Macabre quirky piece. *LOL* I used to give everyone nicknames and still do sometimes, but it is hard not to slip up, so it can be a risky practice as we age and don't think quickly. *winks* Glad you're having some great interactions with the new Neighbors, sounds like a Fun Group having good Fellowship and forming some new relationships. That's great, since it's harder to do later in life under usual circumstances. My Mom made many new Friends once she was no longer living Independently, in due time it made her Happier to have all those people to do things with again and activities to look forward to again.

    1. We've had good times but I don't see them moving into the good friends zone. But that's okay. Having people to do things with is good enough at this point in my life.

  21. Great stories. They make me happy going into the New Year.


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