Welcome to the Misadventures of Widowhood blog!

Welcome to my World---Woman, widow, senior citizen seeking to live out my days with a sense of whimsy as I search for inner peace and friendships. Jeez, that sounds like a profile on a dating app and I have zero interest in them, having lost my soul mate of 42 years. Life was good until it wasn't when my husband had a massive stroke and I spent the next 12 1/2 years as his caregiver. This blog has documented the pain and heartache of loss, my dark humor, my sweetest memories and, yes, even my pity parties and finally, moving past it all. And now I’m ready for a new start, in a new location---a continuum care campus in West Michigan, U.S.A. Some people say I have a quirky sense of humor that shows up from time to time in this blog. Others say I make some keen observations about life and growing older. Stick around, read a while. I'm sure we'll have things in common. Your comments are welcome and encouraged. Jean

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Losing Blog Subscribers, Teaching Classes and Chronically Tardy People

I don't know how your week went but mine flew by. It seems like the older I get the faster my days disappear and often I can't remember from one to another what I did with my time beyond the routines of an ordinary life---bathing, eating, checking the mail room and email, watching the news, a Netflix mini binge, etc. Some people think that elderly people take more time to do less stuff and I can see why they think that. Just getting dressed, for example. There are drops and creams to apply, hearing aids to put in and in some cases, compression socks to put on. Then there are prescriptions and supplements to remember. And dare I say sometimes I have to decide if it's an anti-diarrhea pill day or a stool softener day. Too much information? Okay, let's move on.

This past week a lot of my time was taken up with preparing for and teaching my second in a three part series on how to play Mahjong. I have a good group of students this year but it started out crazy. The sign-up sheet limited the class to six students plus a waiting list. Before retirement, two who signed up were college professors, one was a high school principal, another was a high school teacher and one had traveled the world as an engineer in the gas & oil industry.

The sixth person who signed up had also been a teacher, in a small town in Northern Michigan, and I was hoping she wouldn't show up. And she didn't. She always come for dinner reservations fifteen minute late and she's the last one to walk into a lecture or party. A lot of people cut her slack and blame it on age but like my husband did, she comes from a farm community so I don't think it has anything to do with her age. Her tardiness gives me flashbacks to my husband who was notorious for being late. I even have a grade school report card of his where the teacher noted Don's frequent tardiness. I called it being on farm time because he had chores to do before school. Those cows wouldn't milk themselves. His youth set up a life long habit of him always running late. Finishing your chores aka work always trumped being on time.

I've told this story 12 years ago so if you've been reading my blog for that long you might want to skip this paragraph. One time we got invited to a family reunion and my mom didn’t want us to show up late so when she passed the invitation on to me she set the time back an hour, telling me it started at 1:00 instead of 2:00. I knew it was important to my mom for us to be on time for this event so when I told Don what time it started I told him 12:00 thinking we’d then get there by 1:00. Don in turn said something like, “This time we’re not showing up late and embarrass your mother!” so he wrote down 11:00 in his day planner. Months later when the reunion day rolled around all these ‘time swaps’ were forgotten, but wouldn’t you know it’s the one time out of a hundred when Don was determined to be on time and we showed up for the reunion at 11:00. Of course, no one else was at the park three hours early. No tables were lined up for an event of that size. So we called my mom thinking we had gone to the wrong park and that’s when it came out all three of us had backed the start time up by an hour. We had a good laugh but that wasn’t the end of the story. We had three hours to kill before the reunion began so Don wanted to run a few errands. I should have known he couldn’t go anywhere without running into someone to swap long-winded stories with and if you haven’t guess by now, we ended up being late to the reunion.

As it turned out Farm Time Fay didn't show up at all for my 1:30 class even though at lunch someone reminded her that she was due upstairs in an hour. She has guardian angels who try to keep her on track like they're border collies herding stock where they need to go. Always calling her when she due some place and isn't showing up. I'm not one of them. Forty-two years of dealing with someone who was chronically late was enough for me. But her not showing up was not fair to the person on the wait list who could have come had we known Farm Time Fay decided to stay in the dining room for a cooking demonstration instead.

My students told me that I'm a good teacher. It might sound like I'm bragging but I agree. I've study the game and broke it down into understandable blocks, I write comprehensive handouts and have the patience of Job. When we mix this year's newbies in with our seasoned players we'll have eighteen. I manage the group, send out text messages the day before to get a count on how many are NOT playing---usually one to three. I set up the game sets and have the players draw chips to assign random seating. I keep track of the weekly winners and I'm the go-to person for rules. And I have several mahjong shirts to wear on game days, like those around here who follow sports teams wear their favorite team's gear. At a lunch table they often bore me to death talking about the latest game and once in awhile I'll bore them with the latest thing I learned about the history of mahjong. It's a fair trade.

New topic: the last time I wrote about 45/47 I lost a noticeably number of subscribers, so I'm thinking I should quit or drastically cut down on writing about the psychopathic elephant stumping around in the White House. But I'm torn because as tempting as it is to ignore what is going on, the unchecked power trip he's on is setting us up for a dystopia at the worst and a dictatorship at its best. The breakdown of the Rule of Law is always the first step and it was a giant first step when 45/47 rebranded the 1,500 January 6th insurrectionists as political prisoners. 1,500 juries and 1,500 judges from across the county put them in prison but in one stroke of a pen 45/47 created himself an unrepentant, private army of 'Brown Shirts' ready to do his bidding to intimidate judges, lawmakers, witnesses, etc. It's a page taken right out of Hitler's playbook. And that should scare us all. ©


  1. This is your blog and I think you should write about things you care about. I read posts from people who voted for Trump, and I try to understand why, how they look at things. Assuming they seem to be nice people, non-haters, of course.

    1. When I was reading some of my older posts looking for the paragraph I shared above about my husband and me being late for the family reunion I realized how much the content of my blog has changed over the 20 years I've been writing this one. It made me wondered if my tiles isn't kind of like a bait and switch thing now because the topics I write about are more serious than they used to be. Put on the other hand, twenty years changes a person or at least it should. I would read blogs written by fans of the president but I haven't run across any. I just don't understand how perfectly nice people on the surface can not see his underbelly!

  2. I think you should carry on as usual. We can't afford to ignore the elephant in the room.

    1. It seems dishonest to do so...like we're pretending that we're living in a world that is not our reality. I get enough of that in my off line life because there is a social pressure around here not to talk politics in public.

  3. Jean, I love your work! I don’t think you need to worry about losing subscribers, I feel like you should write about what you want to write about! But, the people who unsubscribed, it’s their loss!

    1. Thank you for saying that. That post that lost so many subscribers was all about 45/47 related stuff so in the future I may try to do split topic posts when I feel I need to write about him.

  4. Yeah, I've stayed away from politics even though several friends have obviously wanted to ignore the obvious mental incompetence of minus 45-47. If I have to lose them, well that's life. I will continue to have fun for the rest of my life.

    1. It's still hurts to lose old friend's though, even for a good cause. I have several in my off line life that we both respect each other enough that we don't bring up the elephant in the room but that doesn't mean I wouldn't like to bash their heads together, hoping they'd wake up.

      I hope you saw all the comments your very long comment about the college student's answer on a test. It was quite the hit. Thanks for that.

  5. I would encourage you to continue to speak your mind. To me it is an important form of resistance as well as an expression of democracy. I value your opinions. Those who cannot see the danger crashing down will have to find their own way. If they think it is business as usual they are sadly mistaken. Normalising what is happening is just plain crazy. All that to say I do read your blog and enjoy it but am not subscribed and I am sure I am not the only one. Helen.

    1. Thank you. I worry about normalizing what is going on too. These are not normal political actions of a new administration going on. Maybe young people who haven't lived through as many presidents don't know that so maybe we who have seen 'normal' have an obligation to speak up.

  6. I hope you neither “quit or drastically cut down”. One’s blog is supposed to be a safe place to express oneself, and one shouldn’t have to dumb oneself down to please others. This losing subscribers over the topic of 45/47 is telling you something about them. They are not your tribe, never were.

    1. I know you're right but I can't help wanting to be popular in bloggerland. LOL Seriously though, the world it getting too tribal in my opinion. Or maybe it's always been this way and we've all be good at hiding it. Surely, those who love the generalized hate and lack of compassion coming out of the White House now have been pretending to be nice.

  7. I admire your teaching skills, especially teaching us older people as we know we are pretty set in our ways. Learning something new at our age is a real challenge so thanks for having faith in us.

    I have always been one who likes to arrive early to any event so I would tell my husband an earlier time so that would happen. I don’t think he ever caught on to my deception.

    The current resident in the White House is like a loose cannon as he keeps going off on so many issues that it makes one’s head spin. A friend recently admitted to having a panic attack over listening to him and hearing him, in his monotone voice, brag about his accomplishments thus far and we are only in week two! Pardoning of the January 6th monsters was a low blow to all those who put their lives on the line to save our democracy p. Shame on him for letting those who he directed go free. All that he has done in the last week and a half is enough to give anyone a panic attack and he has only just begun! JJ

    1. JJ, 45/47 is also so blind to his own faults that he can't see that he did what he's always claiming other countries are doing to us---dumping their prisoners out on our streets. What a chilling effect that will have on future witnesses in trials and whistle blowers. 45/47 and those who are implementing the Project 2025 are doing so at a fast pace to purposely overwhelm use and the court system.

      There are a lot of learning opportunities going on around this CCC. This week alone there was a tech lecture and another on wild presidential elections in the first 100 years. And a different kind of card game every day.

  8. I used to think that my husband having to be early because "on time is late" but now after reading this it's the same, too early or late. As for mango mussolini, more people need to wake up. This horror is just beginning. We should all be scared.

    1. My dad used to have a saying. "If you're not 15 minutes early, you're late." His reasoning was you had to allow time to change a tire along the way, if needed. Back when he started driving on those old Model A's frequent tire blow outs was a thing. We'd go places and be early and that's when he's seek us out a coffee shop near our final destination to kill the time if we were lucky enough not to have a flat tire.

  9. Hi Jean, I love your blog, but not a frequent commenter. I've come to call him the orange scary man in office. He has already done so much damage, I'm frightened for the most vulnerable.

    I have a brother who has mental and physical challenges and survives through the love, care and help from his family. He also receives some benefits from social services to help pay for his health insurance, food and shelter. I now worry about him, and others like him, who through no fault of their own need help just to get by. And don't get me started on folks from other countries who want an opportunity to be productive citizens.

    I have several friends who are Trumpers and will carry on about the "takers"; one of my better responses is to ask if they personally know anyone impacted by the latest executive orders. I then feel free to share the story of my brother. It puts a real person on the face of those impacted by these heartless decisions.


    1. I think your approach is wonderful...putting a real face on the community that 45/47 systematically tries to dehumanize goes a long way. We live in a complicated world with a lot of gray areas. His fans want to believe that those they perceive as "takers" are lazy and/or are responsible for their own physical or mental challenges. Like them wanting to justify not helping the fire victims in CA because they somehow brought it on themselves by allowing women to be firefighters, etc.

      I could go on and on!!! Thanks for reading here and the comment.

  10. When I saw your post in my email this morning, I was hoping you'd talk about 45/47 because I too agree 100% with you! There is so much noise with his 8 days in office, and it's exhausting! And of course, yesterday he was on the golf course. Again. Those of us in our 70s know history so well and he is on the same path of fascism. It was so incredible to hear Bishop Mariann Budde's sermon last week pleading for mercy to all of God's people, but in his typical reaction, he wouldn't look at her and then verbally attacked her after the church service. She's my hero and we need more people like her in this world. She was the one who was brave, kind and respectful. 45/47 is not.

    1. Wasn't she brave and gracious and so gentle and respectful in her delivery of her sermon. For him to attack her the way he did was worse than shameful. Melania looked daggers at her too while the Bishop spoke to the world and them in particular.

    2. I think Melania's face usually looks like she'd like to kill someone. I suspect if I had her life I would too.

  11. I'm glad your teaching experiences are going well. I find people who are chronically late to be... tedious. I've been losing blog subscribers too. I don't think it has anything to do with the topics I write about, just that people in general are dropping out of social media everywhere, blogging too.

    1. I have dropped some of my social media subscriptions, too, in recent days but to those that are commercialized, not personal blogs. I think this first week of the new administration has been overwhelming to a lot of us...coming at such a fast pace.

      Tedious is a great word and much kinder than I've got at this point in my life. Sitting at a dinner table where the waitress won't take our orders until a chronically late person is due bugs the heck out of me.

  12. My 2nd husband was always late to social events and cut everything else extremely close. It was so embarrassing and stressful for me. He never allowed extra time for variations in traffic flow or long lines at airport security. As a result we missed at least one flight and often arrived as the last people at the gate in a hot, sweaty mess from running through the airport like mad men. I seriously debated taking my own transport to the airport and if he didn't make it on the plane - oh well! Family members would set the time back for him in a vain effort to get him to show up on time. Somehow he could make it to work etc., on time. I was half expecting him to show up late at our wedding but I think the best man ensured he was waiting at the church for me. This same man would walk out of a restaurant if told it was a 10 minute wait for a table. We had many arguments on the rudeness/arrogance/stress-inducement of his behaviour but it fell on deaf ears. I don't know if it was related to his OCD or not.

    I also don't know what to say about the shitshow happening in the US. As a Canadian, I am afraid. He is following the 3rd Reich playbook to a T.
    If you are losing followers due to speaking the truth about the current situation, I say good riddance to those sheeple. People need to speak up and speak out or the evil has no chance of being checked.


  13. My two cents on the comments -- you write what you write, what you choose. I don't post much on it anymore because I can tell from comments and emails it is more like preaching to the converted. But sometimes you need to. And the fact is, if we let things get by, then the creature from the Mar-a-Lagoon gets exactly what he wants -- apathy and all the freedom that goes with it. (Read Timothy Snyder's substack or On Tyranny.) I have my rep on speed dial and am contacting him regularly with my frustrations. I send him emails. I also send our senators but since they are "the converted" to my idea, little point other than affirmation. Fact check in person, support causes that will help. My theory is that they will do as much as they can to see what they can get away with and some of this requires legislative OK. We have to be proactive. Whether you feel you'll scare away readers is one thing. None of us want that. It's a tough call.

    I wish I could take your mah jong class. I play a solitaire mah jong via my advent calendar but I have no idea if it's anything like the real thing. I'm guessing not!

    1. No, solitaire mahjong online is has nothing to do with the real thing.

      I am going to take a page out of your book and get more active in contacting my representatives. They really do need to know that people out here in the real world are anything by apathetic.

  14. I'm sorry to hear that you are losing subscribers, and I must confess that I have never subscribed to any blog, although I check in daily on the dozen or so that I read. I will now subscribe to yours to hopefully make up for the lost ones who cannot bear to read/hear that someone does not agree with them. Their loss, not yours. But it makes me worry about bloggers getting discouraged and quitting - blogs are one lifeline for me because I live alone, no kids, siblings my only family but all now living hundreds of miles from me. I'm in the downsizing stage and planning to move this year and that will help with the self-inposed isolation.

    As for being on time, I lied to people constantly when I managed an office because so many were chronic latecomers. When making a seating chart, I knew who to put just inside the door because I knew they would arrive late and I wanted to minimize that disruption from the meeting presentation. I feel like I've lived a version of your story!

    1. Chronic late comers don't seem to realize how disrupted they can be, do they.

      I don't subscribe to any personal blogs myself...I have them all in my side bar to click on when they come to the top. So don't feel pressured to subscribe to mine. I, too, do worry about all my fellow bloggers dropping out of the community. It gets harder and harder to find new ones to read. Every so often I'll go on a hunt and I always leave a comment behind when I read someone new to me. Thanks you for reading and commenting here.

  15. Say want you want to say, Jean. His group is trying to hide the truth and we have to keep sharing what is really happening. They want us to quit talking about him and give up but it is so important that we do not.

  16. Ive read your blog for a long time. I like it when your posts are more political. We all need to stay informed of the danger the coming dictator poses to us all. I have no desire in following a blog by trump supporters. All you get are talking points from Fox and hatred of the "other". They believe the lies and hate who he hates. It’s disgusting.
    Off topic, but if you want to see an excellent series on Netflix, watch "Your Honor" Mary

    1. I loved "Your Honor". It gets harder and harder to find new Netflix's that are written so well. I binge every night.

      I must live in a liberal bubble because I've never run across a blog written by a Trump supporter who wasn't a paid enfluencers.

    2. Ha! Paid influencers that are Trumpers. Wow. They learned to grift from the Top Grifter in Chief.

  17. I don’t comment on blogs. Your writing this morning convinced me to comment today. Keep writing about your viewpoint; your voice is important.

    1. Thank you! It means a lot to get a comment from someone who rarely writes them.

  18. The only two blogs I currently read are yours and another whose author also emerged as an anti-trumper. She, too, lost subscribers and endured some very nasty comments when she first ventured to post on his instability. She stopped that, mostly because she needs the blog income generated by clicks. I suppose I’d quit a blog with a rabid trumper so I get it. But I join you in wondering what rational, humane person can’t see the damage he’s done to us all to this point, with much more to come. I do see stories of trumper votes coming back to bite his fans…a family all packed to move for his wife’s RN job at the VA that was canceled and a guy pleading for the return of his deported immigrant wife while amidst paperwork to become a legal citizen. Boo hoo. Now you feel the anguish of the J6 police force.

    1. Thanks for sharing that. I have not received any nasty or otherwise comments from 45/47 supporters. My blog is not set up to get paid for clicks so I am more free to write what I want with nothing more than my feelings getting hurt if people unsubscribe. I wish more stories would come to the surface like you've highlighted. Someone here told me that everything was going to be wonderful as soon as 45/47 took office and I'm dying to ask her if she still feels that way because she was really looking forward to grocery prices going down.

  19. As a guilty 5 mins late person I won't comment on that, but I will say this:
    I subscribe to Tangle, a news substack that attempts to be non-partisan, because they believe we all need to hear both sides (from reputable sources) and make up our own minds. What I've noticed in the 2 years I've read Tangle is that their subscriber list is growing much larger with mostly left leaning readers. That mimics what I've experienced in real life conversations with MAGA people.
    They're interested in telling you what is REALLY happening (in their view) but a reasonable back and forth with these folks just doesn't happen.
    So my view is that the left leaning center is more interested in both sides than anyone who could be considered a MAGA believer. That doesn't bode well for our country.

    1. I agree that MAGA people aren't interested in what others say. So it makes sense what you're saying the all sites that believe in respectful exchanging of viewpoints become more and more left leaning.
      Thank you!

  20. Go ahead and talk about whatever you want--it's your blog, you get to be the boss! I have heavily curated my internet consumption, but not to create an echo chamber. I still read people with whom I disagree, or have different views, because I learn from them, but they must be intelligent and reasonable. I don't think I am subscribed to your blog, but I read it every week, because it has value for me. I don't always comment because I don't always have anything to say about the topic, but I always appreciate your viewpoint, and I just like how friendly all your commenters are. If some of them left, it says much more about them than you. Carry on.

    1. The consensus seems to be that I don't need to change. Thanks for your support.

  21. Please do not let 💩 bully you into changing your blog.

    He is bullying his way into every inch of American life and ruining everything, bit by bit. Don't give him that power. It is unbelievable how he is forcing his insane views on the world. Gulf of America. Approving maniacs as our government leaders. And everyone seems to be succumbing to his loudness no matter how insane.

    We read your blog because it is about YOU! Forget your statistics. You are already the Queen of Blog. Thank you for writing. Good job on Mahjongg!!!

    1. Now you're just blowing smoke up my ego....but I appreciate the effort. LOL

  22. First up my mum was always running late and if she had to make her own way to her funeral she would had been last to arrive and not first. I have no problem with you writing about the orange elephant in the white house

  23. Glad your Mahjong Class is going so well, someone arriving late would be an irritant to me too, I'm punctual and think it is thoughtless for people to roll in to a scheduled time any time they want to. We have One Child like that and I had a Rule when she was little that she could not be Last. *LOL* And getting her Show on the Road is still always a major Production. She loses things a lot or misplaces them and never thinks to look for them ahead of time until she's almost ready to leave and then it's a panic. As for losing Subscribers if they can't handle the Political Truths about the current Administration, good riddance. I'm not watching The News, but anyone who shows up at anyone's Blog isn't required to read it, or even to be a Follower, so, whatever a Blogger wants to Write about is entirely their prerogative IMO and if you easily take offense at what someone chooses to Write about, perhaps you ARE on the Wrong Blog? I wouldn't worry about those that fall away Jean, you have a good Blog and you keep it authentic to Self and most of us appreciate that.

    1. This year's class was so weird. The first one I wrote about above with the woman who didn't how up. The 2nd class someone showed up who had not signed up and didn't seem to understand it when I said he couldn't stay because the classes built on one another. With the third class a woman couldn't come at the last minute due to an emergency so we I had to switch things up from two tables to one table.

      Thank you for what you've wrote about my blog.

  24. Please don't change what you write about! I follow three blogs including yours and you all are often my sanity fix in the crazy world we have found ourselves in. The majority of my family and aquaintences voted MAGA. You have no idea what a breath of fresh air you are for me!

    1. I don't know now you survive in a family where most of them are MAGA supporters. My hat is off to you.

  25. I've written about politics on my blog forever, and if people don't like it, they can leave. I don't want them reading me if they are the kind of people who support the Felon Rapist, to be honest. They're not my kind of people, and I don't want them to feel welcome. It says a whole hell of a lot more about them than it does me because I know what I stand for, and I'll stack my Integrity and Humanity and Morals up against his supporters' any day.

    1. I've tried hard over the years to understand people who don't think the same way I do, but I'm coming to the realization that we're just too far apart to ever see that happen. Sad but true.

  26. I find most Trumpers to be pretty thin skinned, so I guess I'm not surprised you lost some readers. They sure think they have all the answers, though. Like others, you surely should not censor what you write because of that. I'm reading "On Tyranny" and the first rule is Don't Obey in Advance. They want us to get on board and shut up. Once we stop speaking the truth, they will rule the conversation completely. God knows they are loud and trying to drown us out now.

    As for lateness, we have a joke in our family that we are on "XXX Standard Time" (XXX = our family name). It's funny to us if it's only a few minutes, but one of my siblings is traditionally so late it's infuriating. My DH is a stickler for being early so it's been an adjustment, although I'm getting better at being early as I age.

    1. I wonder if they are thin skinned because deep down they know they are fan-boying a man not worthy of their admiration but they are in too deep that they're embarrassed. So they cut off all talk about him because they know the criticism is right. I'd rather believe this theory than to believe they are totally stupid and/or as morally corrupt as he is.

  27. Even in far off New Zealand I find the Orange Man strange and frightening. How is someone with obvious psychiatric problems loose in society?
    I thought he was rude, so rude to the Rev Buddle and as for Melanoma! She needs to think less about appearance and more about sincerity. Glamour and riches do not equal compassion and common sense.
    Down here at the ends of the earth we are not completely isolated from effects and I for one like to read your comments. Please continue. I log in once a week to see what you have to say.

    1. I really like hearing from people living in other countries because they (you) seem to get a clearer picture of what is going on than a lot of people living here.

      Mr and Mrs 45/47 have no concept of what church is all about...that they could bad-mouth the very respectful sermon by Rev Buddle. it hit a little too close to home for them to 'enjoy' it but to demand an apologize! What a laugh! Her fashion choices are meant to send a message...we just can't always figure them out.

      Thanks for reading here!

    2. I also think about people who might be reading my blog and are Trumpsters. I don't like to irritate people but they're just darn stupid if they think he is going to be anything but the fool and stooges they are.

    3. I've been going around in my mind trying to decide if they are truly stupid or apathetic or just too darn trusting.

  28. I just subscribed to your blog. I'm a reader, not a blogger and prefer not to subscribe but your voice is needed! If the non-intellectual followers of IQ45 don't like your content, it's no great loss. I read one woman who supposedly blogs about frugality but frequently posts whacko IQ45 conspiracy videos and comments. When someone comments to explain they are untrue or misinformation, she goes off the deep end and rants about it being her blog and telling them how stupid they are. I've noticed in the past when you have a dissenter in your comments, you kindly engage in a considerate discourse with them and thank them for commenting. So clearly they have the problem, it's not you!
    I really appreciate reading your political perspective. I try to ignore much of what IQ45 is doing but we do need to stay engaged. The news conference this week about the DC plane crash was particularly galling. I turned it on accidentally and was quickly appalled by his comments and was screaming at the tv! To be placing blame on air traffic controllers and helicopter pilots while 67 bodies were simultaneously being pulled from the Potomac River was beyond insensitive and actually beyond words. Anyone who believes this man to be a decent human being, much less presidential material, is sadly mistaken.

    1. Thank you for the comment and subscribing. I didn't expect that kind of "backlash" to my bellyaching about the un-subscribers. Anytime I've engaged with fan of the current president, either here or in person, I try to be civil because that's the kind of world I want to live in, where we can disagree without clawing each other's eyes out. But it gets harder and harder every day when 45/47 says things like he did at the press conference. To blame DEI for the crash was bad enough then to say he didn't need any proof because "he has common sense" is a slap in the face to all people of color and woman in jobs he's deemed are for white men only. And when the one reporter who asked if he was going to the crash site, "Why would I do that? Do you want me to swim?" No empathy, no respect for the first responders. No sensitivity to the families of those victims.

  29. If you lose a few subscribers because of your honesty and facts then they weren't worth it anyway. You may gain new ones who see eye to eye with you and value your words.
    The story about the reunion is funny.. my dad was always punctual. My stomach gets tied up in knots when we are running late. Funnily enough we were so late to D's first birthday party that people were concerned we were in a car crash or something. It was rather embarrassing.

    1. I can see that happening, being so predictable that people worried when you were late. My dad was always punctual too.

      Thanks for your kind words.

  30. I totally support you because it’s your blog and you have the right (free press amendment) to voice your opinion. If someone doesn’t approve swipe on!

    1. With this wonderful show of support I've gotten in the comments, I plan to do just that.

  31. People have a choice if they don't like a blog, don't follow it. I can't see there is a problem.

    1. I totally understand that. It just makes me sad to lose followers but I also recognize that the topics I write about have changed since I named and started this blog and it may not fit where someone at in their life. So I was thinking I should either try to rebrand this blog or start another.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. If you are using ANONYMOUS please identify yourself by your first name as you might not be the only one. Comments containing links from spammers will not be published. All comments are moderated which means I might not see yours right away to publish through for public viewing as I don't sit at my computer 24/7.