Welcome to the Misadventures of Widowhood blog!

Welcome to my World---Woman, widow, senior citizen seeking to live out my days with a sense of whimsy as I search for inner peace and friendships. Jeez, that sounds like a profile on a dating app and I have zero interest in them, having lost my soul mate of 42 years. Life was good until it wasn't when my husband had a massive stroke and I spent the next 12 1/2 years as his caregiver. This blog has documented the pain and heartache of loss, my dark humor, my sweetest memories and, yes, even my pity parties and finally, moving past it all. And now I’m ready for a new start, in a new location---a continuum care campus in West Michigan, U.S.A. Some people say I have a quirky sense of humor that shows up from time to time in this blog. Others say I make some keen observations about life and growing older. Stick around, read a while. I'm sure we'll have things in common. Your comments are welcome and encouraged. Jean

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Shoe Cleaning, Mahjong, Good Friends and Old Wives Tales

There's an old wives tale that says deaths always come in threes and that's been true for me this past week. No one especially close to me, but two of those who died effected people I care about. You know how that is…they feel pain and you are left wishing there was something you could say to take it away. Of course, we all know there isn't a thing we can do except act as a sounding board and/or send sympathy cards out to the appropriate people. In this case, I'm sending out a half a box cards to great-nieces and great-nephews who lost their grandfather or stepfather. Additional cards will go to a newly minted widow and her daughter (my niece-law) and the daughter of a one of my old Gathering Girls group members. And, yes, I'm old enough that I now buy sympathy cards by the box full. No one tells you this comes with living into your eighties. 

The latter woman who died shocked me the most. I hadn't seen her much since I moved three years ago although we did occasionally talk on the phone. To this day those bi-monthly lunches we Gathering Girls had were some of the most fun times I've had in my life with gal-pals. I never had to be on my best behavior with them---never had to hide my political views or my lack of a church family like I did with my Red Hats Society group or in my current living situation. She beat breast cancer once but lost the second battle with it. 

I'm going to turn this around to happier thoughts. As I sit here I'm in a very clean apartment even though my monthly cleaning lady doesn't come until Monday. How did that happen? you might be asking. The son-I-wish-I-had and his wife came to take me out for lunch and she'd never seen my place. I wanted her to be able to look to her heart's content without me being embarrassed by a layer of dust or the things that seems to clutter up the corners like my Mahjong set and mat and an assortment of footwear that has a way of gathering around the only chair in the apartment that is low enough for me to put them on and take them off.

Tim has been a great friend for decades. He will even get a 10% slice of my estate when I die, should anything be left over at that point in time. The way the price of everything is going up and up these days, I'm starting to worry that I'll outlive my bank account. I'm obviously not worried enough that it stopped me from signing up for Retail Therapy Sessions through the holidays. But I've reigned in that horse in case anyone else named in my estate was worried. 

Have I told you guys about my last big splurge? I sent off the lightest and darkest Mahjong tile from my 1930s Perching Parrot Bakelite set to a service that matched them up with enough orphan tiles so that I can turn them into jokers. You have to do that with all the early sets if you want to use them to play American Mahjong. At the risk of boring the non-players reading this, I also bought on eBay one wooden tile for my new/old 1923 Babcock set. What are the odds that I'd find something that small and old to complete the set? I love people who recognize that there is a lid to fit every pot in the world of collectibles and I only had to pay ninety-nine cents to win that auction. The seller, however, is charging me twelve dollars to mail it. He should have had his opening bid higher but he hedged his bet with his shipping charge. I don't care but some buyers would ding his ratings for that. I see it as a miracle that someone across country had a tiny, 100 year of thing like that and went to the trouble to find it a home. We are kindred spirits. 

Tim and his wife spent three hours with me and that laugh-filled visit combined with 2025 popping up on the calendar put me on a manic streak. I've been so productive every since, checking off stuff on my to-do list that I thought would take me deep into January. One of those things involves the Gogooda shoe washing bags pictured up above, bought during one of my Retail Therapy sessions. I have two pairs of tennis shoes that were both looking grubbing but are still in great condition. Magic erasers and other shoe cleaners weren't making much difference. Looking at the price of new shoes, I decided to try these bags out and I am happy with how the first pair came out. Those bags even have pockets inside for the laces and the soles. I may pre-treat the second pair for even better results. 

The set (2 bags and two shoe trees) cost $23.00 at Amazon and were very quiet in the washing machine. (I have a shoe rack for my dyer which makes shoe drying quiet as well---first time I ever used it.) If my little "infomercial" tempts you, don't buy the yellow ones as a few of the reviews mentioned the color bled on to their shoes. 

Normally, I'm able to talk myself out of something I didn't know I wanted after until I saw it. But the siren call of Retail Therapy that gives us a temporary high was my rebellion against the week when I wrote about the Swedish Death Cleaning. I don't do Retail Therapy to fill an emptiness or other need inside me very often and I don't recommend it so there no need to plan an intervention for me, thank you very much.  ©

Until Next Wednesday.  




  1. But I absolutely adore telling the story about the elderly ladies just keeping their favorite vibrator and disposing of the other dozen. It creates great laughs every time I bring it up. The Swedish death lady didn't have any great humorous stories on elderly men.

    1. They did that on The Swedish Death Cleaning show? I don't know what to say about that.

  2. I'm so glad you could have that fun outing with Tim and his wife. It's neat that they are keeping in touch.

    1. We keep in touch on Facebook and messaging mostly but he calls too. They have a lot of grandkids and they are very hands on with them plus they live quite a distance now from where I used to live but their visit was just what I needed.

    2. Nice that you had such pleasant visitors as I love when certain people take the time to visit or call. It seems as though there have been a lot of deaths already in this New Year, I hope that is not an indication of how this year is going to play out. Never heard of a shoe washing bag, may have to look into purchasing some. I admire your frugalness and getting something that you longed for for 99 cents, plus shipping, winner winner chicken dinner. JJ

    3. I wasn't even looking for the wooden tile either. I was looking for Bakelite tiles when I ran across it. I was going make one in our wood
      shop after the holidays.

  3. Thanks for the info about your new shoe cleaning bags. A few years ago, I hit a sale and bought several pairs of my favorite tennis shoes and I'm dreading the time when I have to replace them. I try to clean them as well as possible, but have been known to toss them into the washer (and hope to heck they come out in one piece!). "Deaths come in three." I heard that from my mom, all my life, and it often seemed true. Makes you wonder. It's great that Tim and his wife came to visit. There's just nothing better than catching up with old friends. Also happy to hear you were able to find the game tiles you wanted. A good start to 2025!

    1. I'm pleased with the results of the shoe cleaning bags. They remind me of a car wash. Washed the second pair since writing this and they came out great. One pair is over four years old, the other is three. I'd quite wearing the pair pictured above---the oldest pair---in public because they looked so bad.

      I'm also happy about how my year is starting.

  4. What a terrific man Tim is. He's been a great help to you, and so very kind.

    1. He really is a great person and loyal friend. Helped me so much after Don died. But before that Don was a father figure in his life. His own father was missing in action from his life during the first 40 years of it. The only thing we can't talk about is Trump. He's a supporter and I'll never understand that in a hundred years but he's the only reason why I keep trying to.

  5. What a wonderful visit! Those shoe bags really did the trick. Thanks for sharing. I am one of those people who can't part with things that are missing pieces. I know the rest of their "family" is out there. Shipping on eBay has really gotten expensive. I need to visit more area flea markets this summer. I can't do garage sales. I feel like the sellers are staring me down and begging me to buy something, anything.

    1. I'd never play with a hundred year old game so one missing part out of a 144 didn't bother me. I enjoy the historical place this set has in the American version.

      I can't believe how high shipping on eBay has gotten but one of my goals for 2025 is to start selling there again. I have quite a few dime size automotive service awards that I need to turn into cash. I haven't sold on eBay for three years so there is a learning curve to catch up on. I'm sure I'll be writing about it in the future.

      I used to love flea markets and garage sales but at my age I can't be tempted by them.

  6. I have a group of high school friends that meet once a month for brunch. We have such a good time - sharing memories, laughs, aches and pains. My sister calls it our "organ recital" as we often discuss medical issues. ;) It is so helpful to have others my age with a lot of the same worries and issues to share.
    I'm glad you have been feeling busy and happy in 2025!

    1. I love your sister's name for the group. Gotta get our laughs where we can these days. Very special that you've kept in touch with high school friends all these years. I only kept in touch with one but she's got dementia now and this is the first Christmas where we haven't talked. Enjoy your group while you can.

    2. We actually just re-connected after we retired and it has really been so good for me as I was a bit lost about what to do with my time once I stopped working.

  7. I don't have any losses to comment on right now, but I do have some friends back in my old province who have shared their life-altering declines with me over holiday catch ups....one is in a care home now (joining her husband) due to some recent strokes, and the other is in cognitive decline and being looked after at home by her husband. They are not that much older than me. More incentive for me to do the things I long to do before I am unable. And I probably should keep a bunch of sympathy cards on hand too. I'm very interested in that shoe cleaning device! Thanks for sharing, Jean 💕


    1. I'm not usually one to buy things like the shoe cleaners but I'm more than happy with the results. There is lot of different brands and price points. The one I bought was Gogooda and it was the cheapest one. After washing the second pair I'm a believer. As much as you and your family hike I'll bet you'd get your money's worth out of a set. The only down side is they take up a lot of room to store.

  8. It is good you spent some enjoyable time with Tim and his wife, the shoes did come out nice and clean, I really need to buy a pair of joggers

    1. I love it because we got to tell a bunch of our favorite Don stories.

  9. I haven't ever seen that kind of shoe cleaner, but it makes total sense. I put a pair of my summer sandals into the washer this fall and they came out great. I do think I'd feel better doing it in a bag, because I was worried the whole time that the velcro straps were going to snap something. Will have to check it out.

    Something about January energizes me, too. Maybe it's when I stop eating cookies and candy and my sugar coma starts to abate. LOL.

    1. I'll go with that....that our January energy comes from us all pulling back from eating holiday cookies and candy.

  10. I'm so glad you met with your "Son". I know you are kindred spirits. Very interesting about the majong pieces. Who knew? My daughter started learning Majong. I would love to learn but honestly, is there any room left in my brain to store instructions?

    1. Mahjong keeps our brains building new connections because it makes you think and do so many things counter clockwise.

  11. There is much to be said for retail therapy. I only own one pair of shoes (unless you count my flip flops) so I never think about washing them. Hmmm. They're black -- how would I know if they were clean? Speaking of, well done on your cleaning binge. Please don't come to my house until you lose your sight.

    On a different note, I'm very sorry about your friend. It's so hard to see people we know and like move on and it kicks in our own vulnerabilities, too. Big hugs.

  12. I smiled at your pre-visit cleanup. That's one reason I make a point of having someone stop by from time to time. It helps to keep things tidier, if not spotless. I have one casual friend who won't let anyone into her house, and I once had a dear friend who was a true hoarder. I tend to live fairly comfortably in clutter, so I have to be careful not to let those tendencies get out of control.

    A blogging friend from long ago had a weird variation of the 'deaths come in threes' business. For a decade, she always had mechanical malfunctions come in threes: a broken string trimmer, a non-functional ice maker, an AC that stopped working, etc. She claimed it was somehow associated with Mercury being in retrograde, but we think she was joking.

    1. Having a cleaning service you can't cancel keeps me from getting to cluttered as I always pick up stuff and put it back where it belongs. I've known people, too, who wouldn't let you into their house because they were ashamed.

      Love your friend's take on what happens when Mercury is in retrograde.

  13. I couldn't plan an Intervention for you Jean since I've failed miserably for myself... and, Retail Therapy now and again is Cheaper than Real Therapy. *Winks* So glad you have a wonderful time with Tim and Wife, I remember how much of a Son he's been to you. Some of the Adult Friends of my Children are like that, they Adopted us many Years ago and now are Sons and Daughters we just didn't have bio connection to.

    1. I'm kind of glad we live too far apart to do Retail Therapy together. I know you'd talk me in to everything I admired....just like my husband did. lol


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