Welcome to the Misadventures of Widowhood blog!

Welcome to my World---Woman, widow, senior citizen seeking to live out my days with a sense of whimsy as I search for inner peace and friendships. Jeez, that sounds like a profile on a dating app and I have zero interest in them, having lost my soul mate of 42 years. Life was good until it wasn't when my husband had a massive stroke and I spent the next 12 1/2 years as his caregiver. This blog has documented the pain and heartache of loss, my dark humor, my sweetest memories and, yes, even my pity parties and finally, moving past it all. And now I’m ready for a new start, in a new location---a continuum care campus in West Michigan, U.S.A. Some people say I have a quirky sense of humor that shows up from time to time in this blog. Others say I make some keen observations about life and growing older. Stick around, read a while. I'm sure we'll have things in common. Your comments are welcome and encouraged. Jean

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Goodwill Hunting, Senator Angus King and Ismo

On the way to the grocery store I dropped off a heavy-ass blender to Goodwill and decided to go inside on the off chance that they'd have a vintage mahjong set for pennies on the dollar. No such luck but I did notice they were selling sweaters for half off their normal price of $6.00. I have never bought clothing at Goodwill or The Salvation Army although I've shopped both places for collectibles off and on my entire adult life. But I've gained enough weight this winter that I'm running out of clothes that fit so I looked through the sweaters. The first and only thing I picked off the rack was a Ralph Lauren, shawl collared sweater with leather trim. With the help of Google's Reverse Image Search I found the same sweater for sale at vintage clothing stores for prices ranging from $180 to $60. I snatched that sweater up and headed toward the puzzles and game department but found an unlocked dressing room along the way. The sweater fit! I had intended to take it home and if it didn't fit I'd just donate it back. For less than a cup of coffee I could do that. Isn't that amazing! The only regret I had in buying it is I got so excited I forgot to read the care tag and at home I learned it couldn't go in the dryer. It tied up my kitchen table for twelve hours while it air dried over a large towel and garbage bags. That's a sweater that won't be moving to assisted living with me, where they turn every special care garment into Barbie doll clothes. Not that I'm planning that move any time soon. But one can never plan too far ahead...that's been a life-long motto that doesn't work as well now that I'm older than television and silly-putty.

My old blender was glass and nearly impossible for me to lift with my right hand and arm which is bothering more and more to the point I'm dropping stuff and a few months ago I had purchased a Ninji, Fitness blender for $59 which only makes single serving size blended drink. Smoothies are all I need a blender for these days. Still, I was reluctant to give up my bigger better, bad-ass blender but my days of trying to make fresh cranberry sauce and forgetting to put the top on the blender thus blasting the ceiling with red berries bits are over. It sounds stupid, I know, but it was a hard decision to close that door of my life even though that blender was just another reminder that I'm getting old and I have to make concessions for my decline in physical dexterity and strength.
Boo-hoo. I am not bad-ass anymore. 

In case you haven't figured it out by now the word I'm enamored with today is "ass." There was a comedian from Finland in Facebook Short Reels yesterday named Ismo and he was making fun of how many ways Americans used the word 'ass.' Dumb-ass, badass, lazy ass, grown ass man, move your ass, half ass and a piece of ass. He joked that you can add 'ass' to anything to make it sound cooler. So expect a few more 'asses' in this post.

Another uplifting thing I saw in the Shorts was a speech given by a Senator from Maine, named Angus King. I would call it a profile in courage and I hope it's the beginning of more people in government pushing back. He stool before the senate and asked the Republicans if there are no red lines that they won't cross. It's a long speech about protecting the constitution and how Elon Musk is at odds with how the constitution is supposed to work. If you get a chance to listen to this speech it will make you feel hopeful. Like hearing the opening solo in what you assume will be an opera of epic proportions as other voices join in.

“We’re experiencing in real Time exactly what the framers most feared,” King said.“The framers were so fearful of concentrated power that they designed a system that would be hard to operate. And the heart of it was the separation of power between various parts of the government. The whole idea, the whole idea was that no part of the government, no one person, no one institution had or could ever have a monopoly on power, Why? Because it's dangerous," King explained. "History and human nature tells us that. This division of power as annoying and inefficient as it can be, particularly to the executive, I know because I used to be a governor, is an essential feature of the system, not a bug. It's an essential, basic feature of the system, designed to protect our freedoms. Now, this contrasts with the normal structure of a private business, where authority is purposefully concentrated, allowing swift and sometimes arbitrary action. But a private business does not have the army, and the President of the United States is not the CEO of America.” 

I have a busy week ahead with something going every day starting with a super bowl party tomorrow. (I write on Saturdays for my upcoming Wednesday posts.) I don't care a flying fig about the super bowl but our social committee here at the CCC has ordered a meal from a great Italian restaurant in town so I'll go with my little tray of lemon curd tarts to add to the desert table. It's my go-to, always-have-the-ingredients-on-hand dish to pass. I've also got two appointments off campus this week that I'm dreading. 

One of those appointments is with my primary doctor. He never talks about the elephant in the room---my weight. In the twenty years plus I've been going to him he's seen me loss and gain back the same 50 pounds several times over. I want to talk about it this time but at my age and with other medical complications I predict he won't give me anything to help other than sympathy. He's as skinny as the proverbial rail and can't gain weight..."Can't change our genes." I feel quite hopeless on the topic. Stay tuned. I'll let you know in a coming post if my fat ass has a chance of dropping a few pounds. ©

Until Next Wednesday. 


  1. Isn't it fun to find a great bargain?!! When you talked about your Ralph Lauren sweater, I remembered something similar that happened to me. There's a small charity near us, run by amazing senior citizens who do their best to make sure no one goes without the necessities of life. I honestly find joy in donating things to them. One day, after I hauled in a big load of stuff, I happened to look around. I spied some women's SAS sandals that I'd seen online. They're around $200 per pair, retail. I can't remember exactly how much the charity shop wanted for them, but nothing in the store is over a few dollars. You just never know what life is going to hand you!

    Jean, I hope your appointments go well. It will be good to have them behind you.

    1. I'm most worried about having to drive to the doctor's during a snow storm that's supposedly coming soon.

      I think the really good buys in designer clothing at places like that are snapped up by the people who work there. That's one reason I don't bother looking plus people in my size are notorious for not getting rid of clothing until it falls apart, so pickings in the plus sizes are slim. I just lucked out with the sweater.

  2. So many people seem to have good luck in Goodwill. I really should check it out...I have four of them within driving distance from me!
    Angus King is a treasure. I wish a few more of our reps would grow a pair and stand up for our democracy.
    Having been raised by a Finnish mother, I find Finnish humor to be hilarious -- we do know how to entertain ourselves. LOL.

    1. There is a place in town called "New to You" where people here swear is better than Goodwill and Salvation Army. Cleaner and color sorted on the racks, good used prices. The trick to going to any used place is to go early in the morning and go often. The better stuff doesn't last long.

  3. P.S. That dude's accent sounds just like all my old relatives. hahaha

    1. I see Ismo every so often in the Short Reels. His expressions and humor is so playful and almost sweet. I really like him. The word 'ass' was already a favor in my vocabulary and one I don't used as much since I moved into the CCC, so that skit really cracked me right up.

  4. You say you're not badass anymore; I say I'm losing my jam. Regardless, we'll keep on keeping on.

  5. I saw that speech by Angus King that you mentioned and I was impressed with his words. I'm shocked at the republicans that have caved in to the current president.
    I've seen Ismo on Instagram before and I think he is so funny. He always makes me laugh! I hope you have a good doctor's appointment. We are expecting lots of snow, too, so I plan on staying home. I hate the thought of driving in snow.

    1. I don't see how many of those Republicans can live with themselves when they let 45/47 walk right over the constitution. I know they are being threaten by Musk to put money behind their opponent in the next election but at some point you have to stand up for what is right for the country, not just your own self interests. It's not like they won't be able to get another job if they lost an election.

  6. I was wondering what the chatter was at your place about the half-time show. I guess I'll have to wait until next week, if there is anything to report. Of course, I didn't watch the superbowl but could watch the half-time afterwards, on YouTube. I thought it was very powerful and did enjoy it although I did have trouble with the references and catching some of the words (YouTube to the rescue for that too!). But the message came through nonetheless. Very brave and beautiful, artistic resistance and defiance. This is why fascists try to kill or control the arts. Vive le Resistance and kudos to Angus King!


    1. Most people here did not like the half-time show. 45/47 showed his petty side again tweeting that Taylor Swift got booed when the jumbotron was on her. He got booed too but he didn't mention that of course. He didn't stay for the second half of the game.

  7. Don't tell him.. he doesn't just think he is the CEO of America.. he think he is ruler of the world.. a kin to God himself. Crazy psychopath.

    1. You got that right. I HATE that is inserting himself in Gaza strip, in Greenland and Panama and messing with our border neighbors to the south and north.

  8. You're still badass! It's more than being able to lift a blender, you'll be a badass on your deathbed, trust me. No one who isn't a badass could be a caregiver for nearly 13 years, for starters. I, too, have lost the same 50 lbs. more than once, but that's not really important, what's important is the extra weight can help keep you alive when sickness knocks you down. Be glad you have some, because things aren't getting easier for us oldsters. Heck, I want to stay alive and as healthy as possible, to meet my new grandchild when it arrives in June. And I for sure want to outlive the current president.

    1. Thank you for my new goal...to out live our current president and see the country's lawmakers go back to following the constitution.

  9. Angus King rocks. I saw that speech too and he nailed it so eloquently. I just hope there were people in the House listening to him. (Have you noticed they never show a wide shot?) I don't do the Super Bowl. It would conflict with All Creatures Great and Small and that's sacred. Finally, well done with the sweater. I've never found anything that cool at Goodwill, but hats off to you!

    1. I did notice that they didn't show a wide shot while he spoke. I think there is lot of that going on BUT it got a wide audience on TV cable and on Facebook.

  10. I love finding a good bargain at thrift stores or consignment shops but, as you say, those of us who are “queen size” don’t usually have much to choose from. I am guilty of having and wearing the same clothes for years as noticed that in the picture, on my drivers license, I am wearing a shirt that has been around for years but so have I! Sadly, Jean, I think our weight issues are in our genes but I don’t ever remembering your mom being heavy. I had a doctor tell me that a child who had a parent with an addiction may have an addiction too. I told her that was one excuse I had never used. I am just happy to be here as no one in my family lived to be 80, perhaps God has me here for a reason🙏

    1. Before my mom had her thyroid gland removed she was heavy but not as heavy as I am. We do have addiction in our genes from my mom's dad and brother who were alcoholics. Speaking of pictures giving away how long we keep our clothing...I have a sweater I wore as the mistress of ceremony at a wedding and couple's kids just graduated from college and I'm still wearing that sweater. I get compliments on it all the time, too.

  11. Isn't Angus King an Independent who usually caucuses with the Democrats? No republicans will heed a word of what he says. At least, though, he's saying something.

  12. I've never watched the Super Bowl although Mr. Ralph and I hosted many parties. I do watch the top rated commercials after. I have had good luck at Thrift Shops especially in Maui. Lots of short term residents who don't want to pay for extra baggage.

    It is tough to NOT mentioned the madness in our world. Oligarchy, meaning "rule of the few" is just nasty rich people wreaking havoc. 💩 is already having to eat some of his words and renege on his insane proclamations. I had several friends during his last term who wanted to outlive him and see the country's lawmakers go back to following the constitution.

    Sooner or later the majority will see the emperor's new clothes ....

    1. I'm so sick of his fans, who don't follow the news or seem to care what he does. I see it all around. One night I watch two hours of FOX News just to see what they are spoon feeding Republican Maga and it made me sick to my stomach the way they white washed everything.

  13. Great find at Goodwill! I found a brand new Lands End coat for my husband on one trip. Still had the tags on it. It was late summer and I figured it was an unwanted Father's Day gift.
    The goofy news conference by President musk, the child he refuses to honor shared custody for - little X, and the orange babysitter was hilarious. I didn't watch it with sound because I would cry. And scream. And cry. . . . . I feel like I am losing my mind.

    1. Without the sound on it must have been really funny. What a stupid name for a little boy

      Some people don't like to return things they got online and donate them instead. I've been known to do that.

  14. There are some good buys at op shops, I enjoying going to op shops, haven't been in a while.
    I had a large heavy glass blender but had trouble lifting it so asked for a new one for my birthday a few years back and my niece gave me a smaller version of the one I had and I have no problem with that, I really didn't need a large one

    1. Blenders can be a workhorse in a kitchen where people make a lot of sauces which is not mine. I love my little one.

  15. One missed opportunity: 'Flying fig' should have been 'rat's ass' which is what a lot of us don't give about any kind of sports.....not just the halftime.

    I'm going to encourage everyone to re-register as an Independent to confound the pollsters and throw the useless primaries into chaos because they enable too small a segment of our voting population to choose the candidate for each party. Nobody should get hurt with that plan for chaos however. I hope. Haven't really thought out unintended consequences for that.

    1. You are right and I used to love saying "rat's ass" back in the day when I thought I was getting away with swearing. LOL

      I don't know how I feel about changing parties. I've heard of people doing that and choosing in the primaries the least qualified person to run against someone they like. If masses of people on both sides do that we could end up with who knows what governing us.

  16. One of my Cousins just announced she lost 108 Lbs. and she looks fantastic. I am curious about how she did it and how long it took. I still need to lost 40 which seems doable but I've plateau after losing 25 quite easily. And Maintenance is always the bigger challenge for me. Glad you went to the Super Bowl Party, pretty sure any MAGA in attendance HATED the Half Time Show and it's not so subliminal Message of a Middle Finger to this Administration, since the Orange Racist was in attendance, and anyone still supporting him. That's the only part of it I Loved becoz of the intent that Jay Z had when he chose the Artist... since he was the Entertainment Director. And Samuel L. Jackson as Uncle Sam, brilliant, too bad he didn't drop his signature Word. Oh well... *LOL* I've Donated a lot of Kitchen stuff I don't use anymore too, if it isn't Vintage I can't really Sell it at the Antique Mall. I've seen some good Deals at the Chazzas lately too. Hard not to buy them when you'd have more Non-Buyer's Remorse not to.

    1. Your cousin's 108 pound loss is amazing. They do have some effective drugs on the market now but I'm kind of afraid to take them. I tried GoLo because you had success with them but they didn't do a thing for me.

      45/47 did hate the half-time show nor did anyone here like it. I hated the commercials this year. And usually I love at least half of them.

    2. The Commercials were lame, relied too much on AI and Digital Manipulation, they were not Clever and most came off as Stupid and irrelevant.

    3. totally agree. I can't even tell you what products were featured.

  17. I'm glad you lucked out with the sweater! Thanks for the link and the encouragment.

  18. At least someone who is supposedly in power is standing up to the... fools in charge. In my observation Elon Musk is at odds with how [everything] is supposed to work. He's a contrarian.

    1. He's a very odd person and we're supposed to trust his morals and ethics and judgement to purge every single corner of our government. No one person should have that much power.

  19. Can you believe I've never shopped at Goodwill? I don't know why. I've visited assorted resale and consignment shops. Maybe it's the old business of location; I can't remember ever seeing an actual Goodwill store, although I often take things to the donation location down the street from me.

    I laughed at your blender tale. I have one of those heavy glass multi-speed gems sitting in one of my highest cupboards, and it landed there because I used it about twice a year. I got a much smaller and lighter food chopper that takes care of what I need for things like raw cranberry relish, so some day I may move the blender along. I did go through a short smoothie phase, but it seemed like more trouble than it was worth.

    I couldn't help laughing -- the only Angus I've ever known (other than the cattle, of course) was a dear friend's dog. Every time I hear the name the image of that dog -- a huge black doberman/something cross -- comes to mind. If he stood up, he could put his front paws on my shoulders. It could be a little unnerving.

    1. Angus seems like s a weird name to pin on a baby because I associate it with cattle but it's an old Scottish name that is Celtic in origins and comes Irish mythology. The first time I ran across it was in a historical romance book.

      Goodwill used to be a good source for antiques and collectible shopping but since my heydays of doing it they've all set up online stores or eBay accounts and the bigger Goodwills have someone on staff who decides what to list online. It's very rare now days to find the good stuff there now days. Judging from all the kids clothing there, I think it would be a great place to buy those. I have a friend who works a very dirty job and they don't even like putting his stuff in their washing machine. He buys tons of t-shirts there, wears them, then throws them out.

      We have 4 or 5 Goodwills in town. They do more than just sell stuff. They train people recovering from drugs and people living in shelters to do things like repair appliances, work in retail, to be electricians and find them jobs in the community. Had a relative who worked for Goodwill as teacher and counselor and the hard-luck stories he'd come home with really made you realize that by the grace of God it could be you or me...so to speak.

  20. I love that story about "ass". We do use it in so many ways. Never really thought about it before but I'll start hearing it all the time from now on.

  21. Angus King is in the tradition of great, independent-minded Maine leaders, a group that includes Margaret Chase Smith, who was the first senator to stand up to Joe McCarthy, and George Mitchell, who negotiated the Good Friday agreement between Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland. This week, we can add our current governor, Janet Mills, who refused to let Trump bully her.

    1. I was Mills on the news. You could tell she wasn't intimidated by Trump like so many Republicans seem to be.


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