Welcome to the Misadventures of Widowhood blog!

Welcome to my World---Woman, widow, senior citizen seeking to live out my days with a sense of whimsy as I search for inner peace and friendships. Jeez, that sounds like a profile on a dating app and I have zero interest in them, having lost my soul mate of 42 years. Life was good until it wasn't when my husband had a massive stroke and I spent the next 12 1/2 years as his caregiver. This blog has documented the pain and heartache of loss, my dark humor, my sweetest memories and, yes, even my pity parties and finally, moving past it all. And now I’m ready for a new start, in a new location---a continuum care campus in West Michigan, U.S.A. Some people say I have a quirky sense of humor that shows up from time to time in this blog. Others say I make some keen observations about life and growing older. Stick around, read a while. I'm sure we'll have things in common. Your comments are welcome and encouraged. Jean

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Sick to my Stomach Over the Debate!

By the time this post goes live the first presidential debate for the 2024 Biden vs Trump election will have been hashed over and dissected everywhere except maybe in outer space where it's still not known if there are little green creatures living there and if they are, have they 'cracked' our language enough to understand how seriously flawed this debate was? What is for certain is the 51 million people on earth watched that hour and an half Hot Mess in what CNN is saying was "both the highest-rated program and largest livestream event in CNN history." But like I've said many times in the past I often write to help me sort out my emotions so let this be a warning to anyone who is sick to dead of this topic, you may want skip reading this post. But I hope you don't.

There is no way around it, Biden (81) came out looking fragile and very early on he delivered a word salad at the end of a sentence and he never recovered from that faux pas, even though he stuck to the format of the debate and actually tried to answer the moderator's questions where Trump (78) employed an underhanded and nasty debate technique called The Gish Gallop. Wikipedia defines the Gish Gallop like this: "The Gish gallop is a rhetorical technique in which a person in a debate attempts to overwhelm their opponent by providing an excessive number of arguments ...with no regard for the accuracy or strength of those arguments." I used to be on a debate team in college and I have no clue how anyone could ever successfully combat the number of lies and insults Trump threw out at a such a fast pace and usually with no relationship to the questions the moderator asked of Trump, leaving Biden looking befuddled and at a loss for words. Who wouldn't be?

CNN didn't live fact-check the debate because, they said, it was up to the candidates to call each other out on misleading and false stuff. The day after, however, Fact Checkers were going at it all over the place including at NPR that reported Trump's claim that food costs have "double, tripled and quadrupled" under Biden when it actually only increased 21%. NPR also said of Biden's claim that Trump's tariff proposal would drive consumer costs up $2,500 per household that it would actually range from $1,700 to $2,500 per year.

I could be here all day if I repeated all the false claims Trump made so I'll jump on the two most outrageous. 1) He denied that the Charlottesville march with the Proud Boys wearing swastikas and carrying tiki torches while chatting Nazi slogans ever took place, and 2) he claimed that the January Sixth Insurrection only "involved a relatively small number of people who where escorted in by the Capital Police." How on earth he gets his followers to believe lies like these when those events were both live on TV and documented on film by a wide number of trusted media sources is beyond understanding. It's scary that we live with so many low information people who believe the crap coming out of his mouth or worse yet, they don't care that he lies and insults his way through life.

The next day both men were at rallies hashing over the debate and Biden was a totally different person who looked and sounded strong and energetic. I truly wish that Biden had shown up at the debate. A couple of sources said he was fighting a cold the night before but I find it hard to believe a night's sleep would make that much difference unless he'd taken something for the cold before the debate. He admitted he isn't the debater he used to be or as young as he used to be but, he said, "I know right from wrong and how to tell the truth and how to get things done. When you get knocked down, you get back up!"

Obama put out a Facebook post after the debate that said much the same things. "Bad debate nights happen," he wrote. "Trust me, I know. But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself. Between someone who tells the truth; who knows right from wrong and will give it to the American people straight — and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit. Last night didn’t change that, and it’s why so much is at stake in November." 

I have to confess that watching the debate made me sick to my stomach. There's talk among the party big wigs about replacing the top of the ticket and there is still time to do that, but that process is messy. Here's what Reuters reported was said by Elaine Kamarck, from the Brookings Institute and a ranking member of the DNC. "He will not be nominated officially until later this summer, so there is still time to make a change and a handful of scenarios to enact one: Biden could decide himself to step aside before he is nominated; he could be challenged by others who try to win over the delegates he has accrued; or he could withdraw after the Democratic convention in Chicago in August, leaving the Democratic National Committee to elect someone to run against Trump in his place." Doing it after the convention would be less messy and would present a more united front. Governor Gavin Newsom, Pete Buttigieg or Governor Gretchen Whitmer are mentioned by most sources as the most likely to get voted in at the top of the ticket. This all makes me feel better that we aren't locked into running the Biden who showed up at the debate, should he show up more often in the next few weeks. 

But I'll be perfectly honest here, I'd prefer it if Biden stepped down but if he doesn't I will vote for him over Trump even if Joe is in a coma. Our Democracy is at stake and that is NOT hyperbolic. Trump's a dangerous threat to our entire system of government. Especially now that the Supreme Court has ruled that the president has "absolute immunity from prosecution for official acts, even if done corruptly or in violation of the criminal laws," as Chief Justice Robert wrote in the majority ruling.

Trump plans to gut the FBI, the Justice Department, the Internal Revenue, do away with the Department of Education, the Environmental Protection Agency, undo all the climate control protocols set in place, not to mention how he'll continue to destroy women's reproductive rights. All that and his allegiance to the NRA, Project 2025 and the Heritage Foundation that has already made serious inroads into watering down our Supreme Court will fundamentally change the character of our country from a Democracy to Authoritarian government at best, or a Dictatorship at its worst. And let's not forget that the next president also will get to appoint two Supreme Court justices because Thomas and Alito want to retire. 

This election is the most important one in our lifetime. We all need to stay informed and help people understand that we must go to the polls this fall if for no other reason than for the down-ballot people. Which party controls the House and Senate are is going to be crucial no matter who is elected our 47th president.

Until Next Wednesday. ©

Footnote: I just saw this posted on Facebook by Kati Berg: "I have fond memories of the last time Trump was in office ….. refrigerator trucks full of bodies.”about 100,000. Food shortages, people fighting over toilet paper. And essential workers, being sacrificed. Isolation. School shootings . Good times. šŸ™„ "


  1. I know. I could watch it only for a few minutes to see how it was going. I couldn't take Trump's lies and smirks. He's promised to destroy the Deep State, and too many people think that's a good idea, including my sister. šŸ™
    ---Cheerful Monk

    1. If he destroys the so called deep state---the IRS, the state department, the EPA, etc., etc.----that alone would throw us into a depression with all those jobs lost.

  2. Mr Trump should be committed to a facility for the criminally insane. Biden should acknowledge his health and stamina issues and ask Michelle Obama to run for president. Problem solved.

    1. If only that all could happen. Biden has more stamina than I do but stamina alone won't cut it with young voters. He looked like a comedy skit at times that night. If only one of the Obama's could run. He can't and she doesn't want to. I've seen her answer that question six-eight months ago.

    2. I doubt running Michele Obama would solve the problem. She has been attacked by the GOP almost as much as her husband. She's been called an "ape in heels" and even a man, so I don't think she would want to subject herself to that, and more, again. I love the Obamas and look back at that presidency and marvel how far we've fallen since that time.

    3. I can't believe how far we've fallen either since the Obama's were in office. I hadn't realized how many deep racism ran in this country that Trump exploited to win him the White House. Silly me, I thought his election was a sign the worst of that era was behind us.

  3. The journalists and media in general are failing. How they can amp up the calls for President Biden to step down and not the republican nominee is astonishing. It's not President Biden who is a convicted felon and sexual assaulter/rapist. He is not under 80+ indictments, nor is he facing numerous court cases. He is not a proven serial liar who committed adultery with a porn star and paid to cover it up with illegal funds. It was not his White House doctor whose medical logs prove that he was writing dozens and dozens of prescriptions for opioids and adderall. It is not his Cabinet who have come out (40+ of them) and said he is a danger to the country and refuse to endorse him, including his own VP.

    But the media calls for President Biden's head. And so do some of his own party faithful, forgetting that the Presidency is not just one man, but an entire administration of advisers and experts in policy. Shame on them all.

    1. You make a GREAT point! I haven't heard any Republicans or news pundits calling for Trump to step down. I don't understand it other than they are afraid of Trump's army of stupid followers who make death threads etc to anyone in the public eye who says anything bad about him. Sooner or later you'd think they'd stand up for what's right for the greater good and that is not another Trump term in office.

      You are also right about the presidency being more than one man. The administration that Biden has in place or any democracy at this point in time would be more trustworthy than the Republicans would have. The fact that almost everyone who served understand Trump is not endorsing him his time says it all.

  4. In terms of how we feel, I could have written this post. I agree completely. Scares the heck out of me, a second Trump administration. And at least a second Biden admin would be surrounded by sensible people. I think we should all remember that while we may or may not be a party member or believe in all the policies one candidate supports, it's up to us to pick the one who would least harm the country, move us forward or at least not send us backward. As for the court, don't start me.

    1. I'm still getting used to the court doing what they've done. I thought when push came to shove they'd do the right thing and not put the president above the law. The only thing missing is a crown but if Trump gets back in the White House I wouldn't take that off the table that he'd order one for himself, the first King of the United States.

    2. Your post was spot on this morning as I have the same fears and thoughts. I am scared to death that tRUMP will win this election and destroy our country, our democracy, take down the safeguards we have in place to protect us from further destruction. HE IS EVIL and until the cool aids drinkers get their heads on straight we are headed for disaster. When he was President before I could not watch him on TV as I was and am repulsed by him. I did not watch his being sworn in as I was sick to my stomach. January 6th will live on in history as one of the saddest days in our country when everyday citizens listened to a dictator and stormed our nation’s capital but Donald tRUMP getting elected to a second term ranks up pretty high in my book. I don’t know what the answer is for Joe Biden but I trust him to lead our country but I wish he was 10 years younger. Should he step aside, I don’t know but I fear tRUMP is going to eat him up. I pray every night that tRUMP has to serve time for his many guilty verdicts and I pray for President Biden to be mentally, emotionally, and physically stable. From my mouth to God’s ears. One thing that really bugs me are the Christians who support tRUMP as I question how they can morally endorse someone who is a criminal, who has no morals, lied, criticized soldiers and handicapped people, cheated, and the list could go on and on as there is no end to it.

    3. If Trump guts the Department of Education you can bet the farm that January 6th Insurrection will not be taught in history classes. The Proud Boys and others who are in prison for it will get pardoned and they will become his private army.

      I too don't understand how Christians can support a criminal and/or a man with no moral standards.

    4. Because some are just like him. Mean, petty, full of judgement, hate and arrogance. Mary

  5. Like Nance, I am disappointed in the media for not calling for Trump's stepping down. He is not a competent person. Biden has a good strong experienced team and Kamala Harris has traveled all over sharing their accomplishments and strong views for the future. Vote Blue!

    1. That's what I'm doing, Voting BLUE all the way. It's the people who don't go to the polls because they are discouraged or don't like the choices who will determine who wins.

  6. The whole situation is beyond frightening. And the Supreme Court is dismantling our protections one by one. I'm going to vote for anyone who runs against Trump, but having seen family members age, I don't think Biden is going to survive this. Yes, he has a team around him, but DH and I agree that aging changes you, and he's a lot older than we are. The changes in him in four years are striking and four more years -- well, we can all see where this is going. The problem, of course, is the turmoil of changing horses in mid-stream. He should have listened to those who told him not to run. But that decision is over, and we are in a world of hurt either way. It seems the calls for him to step down are starting to come from inside the party more and more. I predict he will, but who knows?

    1. I'm guessing he'll step down after the convention so there's not a rip roaring mess at the convention of voting over several days so that just the party big wigs can vote on his replacement and do it behind closed doors. I hope this is the case anyway.

      I'm 82 and have seen too many of my peers' health change over night. I'm glad he ran last time because he restored the White House back to the way it should be run but he's not up to the job this time.

    2. Agree totally…Mary

  7. Alas, both Candidates are too Old and in serious obvious cognitive decline... one being a completely deranged Psychopath as well... the other being a good Man who had a successful First Term and should have always been a One Term Prez and acknowledged that fact. Unfortunately those in serious cognitive decline are less aware of it than just about everyone around them and often stubborn about acknowledgement and what they can no longer do or should even try to do. It's hard growing Old and facing scary limitations, if Dementia or SMI is addling the Brain it can be impossible to reason and be performative, it can come and go in waves, losing the Person in layers. Neither Candidate is Fit to become President. The Right will never be able to rid themselves of 45, they Fear his instability and his Lunatic Fringe Base too much to even try to replace him. The Democrats know and probably hid how bad things were getting behind the Scenes, performance like that doesn't happen all at once nor is it a One Off, so it's scary to contemplate what Four more Years will impair him further? But, I will Vote Blue for an animated Corpse so long as it's surrounded by decent people, rather than a Red Devil surrounded by Devil's Disciples. Democracy is at stake and there seems to be a Global coordinated effort by Extremist Groups, Hate Groups, Far Right leaning Anti-Democracy Groups and Religious Fanatics to take over every major Democratic Country. We must hold firm and deal with our Demons more effectively as they have now infiltrated high up and Voting them out is the only way besides a Civil War to rid ourselves of their toxicity and irreparable harm to our Nation and it's majority who want to protect and preserve our way of Life... and what Generations of True Patriots fought and often Died and made incredible Sacrifices in many other ways to Defend. Giving it all away now by rolling over is unacceptable and lazy intentional ignorance.

    1. Here, Here! Thanks for expanding on the dangers of the far right taking over under Trump.

  8. Well said! VOTE BLUE!

  9. Oh how hard it must be to be a sensible, normal thinking person in America right now knowing the country is currently being lead by some who comes across as a dotting old fool and my next be lead by someone who comes across as an egotistical old bastard. That said many countries have not the best people running them

    1. It is hard. Too don't people don't follow politics or understand how government works. It's scary.

  10. Thank you , Jean. You said it all. I chose not to watch the debate (for the first time in my adult life) because I have a visceral negative sick to my stomach reaction to Trump every time I see/hear him. And I often "fear" Joe's gaffs. I know this went far beyond a gaff and I have no explanation for his horrible performance. (A cold and two international flights in short amount of time to meet with world leaders and discuss items of great importance to the globe might contribution to a wee bit of exhaustion.) But I do know we were watching a "performance" of a certain kind that was invented for the television age. These are not true debates. They are little improv plays, where the opponents try to outsmart, out talk, out insult each other and very little substance is ever uttered. I am sick about it all too. In the aftermath moving forward feels overwhelming. I think Joe stepping down at this point is a distraction that benefits Trump and would gain us nothing. So, we ALL have a part to play. I can't do it all, but I can decide "what is mine to do" and I WILL take the specific ACTIONS (not just posting my outrage and hand-wringing, as so many do) that I can do to help elect Joe and others locally who stand up to the likes of Trump and other like him. No one can do everything. Everyone can do something. (Thanks for the soapbox. LOL)

    1. I agree. All of us can (and should) do something, anything where ever and when ever we can to put the Trump era behind us once and for all. Thank you for the comment.

    2. Not sure why that came through as anonymous. It was me! LOL

    3. Sometimes Bloggers makes you choose how to sign in.

    4. I realize it depends on the browser I use. I forgot to swiitch to Chrome for my comment...

  11. Your title of this post is so true. I awoke the following day with a feeling in the pit of my stomach that I can only describe as 10th grade, going into a test I hadn't studied for. Just a cringe in my stomach.

    Biden's seeming improvement over the next days is confusing. I don't expect them to offer further explanations, but I cannot come up with any on my own. George Stephanopoulos is interviewing him so I guess that will give us some insight. All I know is that I'm voting Blue no matter what.

    1. Me, too. I think they made a mistake scheduling the debate too close to Biden having made two international flights and being busy at global conferences. I'll be watching that interview with bated breathe.

  12. see my post with the rally here the next day and tell me what you think,
    We are not voting for Joe per se but his administration. I for one, do not want the russians or the whte nationalist running the administration. I juut wrote about it. It makes me scared as hell and sick

    1. I just read your post and it's spot on. Thanks for the video of Biden at the rally in your neck of the woods. I saw a tiny clip before and was told he used teleprompters to sound so much better than at the debate but I he was engaging and interacting with the crowd and I didn't seen any signs of that. I don't care if he was. We can not have Trump back in the White House!

  13. I so wanted Biden to follow through on his promise to be a one term 'bridge' candidate. I'm also saddened that he's exposed himself to this kind of ignominy after such an amazing career. Nonetheless, I would vote for a plain brown stick rather than Trump and I'm hoping against hope that Trump loses... to whoever, and the MAGA movement dissolves into a puddle of goo. What we do know is he will never, ever leave the public stage as long as he has anyone following him. He can't act like a decent person because he isn't and I too am flabbergasted at the people who swallow all his nonsense.

    1. It really is a sad way to end his presidency, isn't it. On the other hand I remember when Reagan was president it was well known that he took afternoon naps and the Republicans didn't have an issue with that. A few Democrats would make fun of it but nothing serious.

  14. The debate was embarrassing and cringe-inducing. I grit my teeth and watched to the end (that golf exchange between two old men!!). I also YELLED at the screen: "Answer the question, dammit!!".

    No one questions the orange idiot's nonsensical, rambling responses.

    In addition to the US, I kept thinking of Ukraine and how much is hanging in the balance for them.

    I wasn't surprised by the Supreme Court's immunity decision at all - pretty much expected it. Hope they bear the brunt of the orange idiot's rage if he's elected.

    To end on a lighter note, the cartoon re ".... try switching on/off the US.." made me smile. ~ Libby, Oz

    1. That golf exchange got to me too! Also the fact that the TV pundits didn't call for Trump to step like they did for Biden.

      I was surprised by the Supreme Court decision. I thought when shove came to push they'd do the right thing for the country, for history. I'm so disillusioned by the majority in the court and the only why to correct that situation is for a democrat to get election and then they can increase the number of S.C. Justices to even out the court.

  15. I didn't watch the presidential debate because I never do, but I knew that something could go very wrong... and it did. I'm tired of all of this. Both men are too old to be President, yet only one is being dragged for his age.

    1. You got that right and I'll add that one has too much pride to stand down and he truly thinks he's doing what is right for this country and the other one just wants to keep out of prison.

  16. It's me in Australia, parlance/Catherine.
    I'd say you've frightened the life out of me in what you wrote in this post, but that wouldn't express how frightened we ALREADY are about Trump. Most of my friends watched the debate, but I couldn't bring myself to do so. I'd say my friendship group and my acquaintances are terrified about the election in the USA, horrified about France, scared about Germany, have given up on Poland, and can't even begin to think about what is happening in some parts of Africa - at least the countries I've mentioned have a working system of government! Britain seems to have voted for sanity, though. Hopefully...

    1. I often think people in other countries understand what is going on in my country better than half of the people living here. They are living in lala land where our freedoms could ever disappear. They've got blinders on when it comes to politics! The young people here are going to determine this election and they want someone younger and they are down on Biden now because of what is going on in Israel. They don't remember Trump's term in office and the media isn't showing him much.

  17. I didn't watch the debate (after my bedtime), but when I woke up in the middle of the night and turned the radio on to the morning BBC news coverage that our local public radio station airs during the night, I knew it was a disaster. The BBC (which has no dog in this fight) described Biden as "unfocused, often stumbling over his words, and with voice just trailing off" and as "sometimes appearing confused and frail." Yikes! When I watched clips of his performance, I came up against my own confirmation bias. For a couple of years, I've been pooh-poohing the concerns of conservative friends and acquaintances that Biden had serious cognitive issues. I rolled my eyes at the way their perceptions were being manipulated by conservative media outlets. But what I saw in that debate was someone suffering from at least mild cognitive impairment; and having seen it with my own eyes, I can't unsee it. Like you, I will vote for whomever the democrats nominate, but I would prefer that it were someone other than Joe Biden.

    1. It really is hard to unsee and I say that having seen Biden at a rally (using a teleprompter) and at a Union headquarters in D.C. unscripted and speaking without notes of any kind. And while he was stronger than at the debate he still isn't communicating at the level he should, even for 81. Then one of his mega donator, George Clooney, in a New York Times wrote an op-ed called for him to quit the race just yesterday and he didn't mince any words. I hope does, but I'll still vote for him if he doesn't. I do believe that seniors like him and me (I'm 82) can have trouble with language skills but still have perfectly good function going on in our brains so I'm not worried about him filling out his term. I can deliver a word salad from time to time and it's embarrassing.


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