Welcome to the Misadventures of Widowhood blog!

Welcome to my World---Woman, widow, senior citizen seeking to live out my days with a sense of whimsy as I search for inner peace and friendships. Jeez, that sounds like a profile on a dating app and I have zero interest in them, having lost my soul mate of 42 years. Life was good until it wasn't when my husband had a massive stroke and I spent the next 12 1/2 years as his caregiver. This blog has documented the pain and heartache of loss, my dark humor, my sweetest memories and, yes, even my pity parties and finally, moving past it all. And now I’m ready for a new start, in a new location---a continuum care campus in West Michigan, U.S.A. Some people say I have a quirky sense of humor that shows up from time to time in this blog. Others say I make some keen observations about life and growing older. Stick around, read a while. I'm sure we'll have things in common. Your comments are welcome and encouraged. Jean

Sunday, March 7, 2021


Levi my Mighty Schnauzer




I am so touched and grateful for all the wonderful and heartfelt comments left on my last blog post about Levi’s unexpected passing. I have reread your messages of condolence over so many times that I’ve lost count and you’ve helped me feel not so alone in my grief.    

Collectively yours comments are a tribute not only to everyone who understands the love that passes between pets and their humans, but they're also an example of how warm and supportive the blog community can be at its finest.  Thank you all again.



  1. ❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕

  2. Sending hugs! You’ve helped me and I’m sure all the others cope with our greatest sadness because you understand and walk in our shoes. Now let us try and comfort you. ❤️

  3. Sending hugs also. We feel your pain.

  4. Levi will be Forever Mighty.

  5. Every time I see his photo or think of you, I just cry. Sending you hugs.

  6. You're welcome, Jean. Thinking of you!

  7. I'm a little behind on my blog reading and am so sad to hear you lost your beloved Levi. It sounds like you gave him a wonderful life and a compassionate passing. Wishing you the best as you move forward without your sweet companion. Blessings to you. Bobi

  8. Jean R. - I just read the posts. My heartfelt condolences on the loss of your furbaby. I cannot begin to imagine the grief, and the empty space that Levi has left. I'm glad Levi had you with him in his last moments. You did the right thing.

    Please take good care of yourself. I want to see you happy again, and settled in your new home, with all the obstacles over. ~Libby

  9. Oh Jean, this was not a post I wanted to see after my return home. I'm so damn sorry for your big loss. I can't fathom the pain and the hole this leaves in your heart. But hopefully you will begin to feel the happiness again that he brought you every day. xox
    Here's to Mighty Levi and to all the love he gave! 💕

  10. I too behind on reading blogs...much love to you. 💕

  11. I wrote two comments to say how sorry I am about little Levi. He was a true companion to you and will be missed the same as a person you have loved. Thinking of you!

  12. All the hugs in the world to you. Thinking of you every day.

  13. The same again: I am so sorry for you. We love our pets, that’s just it and when they leave us we hurt. It will get better.

  14. May you have many wonderful memories of Levi, and may each day get a bit easier!

  15. We know a day like this will come when we get a pet, but that doesn't make it any easier. I wish I could ease your heart for the next few weeks, but the crappy pain is probably necessary for us to accept the loss. I'm just so, so sorry you lost your little Levi. Pets enrich our lives so much.

  16. Sorry I was late to get the News Jean, I had come Tonight because I hadn't heard from you and was worried something had happened to you. Devastated still to hear that it was Levi that something had happened to... may the Stages of Grief not be too difficult for you... such a lot is already going on for you. We're still Grieving Miss Priss and that was November, you realize how Raw it still is when The Man suggested he wash the Window of her Nose Prints and Princess T and I freaked out and wouldn't let him yet. Just seeing them there has a significance, an Essence of her still here... and right now, I guess we both still Need that. I think boxing Levi's possessions for a while and not making any major decisions is Wise. I have kept some Cat things of Miss Priss' even tho' I've sworn, no more Felines. Mebbe there won't be more... but I don't want to firmly decide yet either way.

  17. Such a lovely tribute to your loving and faithful friend, Levi. Sending you a big hug!

  18. I came here from Friko’s Musings after you’d left such a sweet and supportive comment on her blog.
    I am so sad to see this post about your recent and sudden loss! What a beautiful boy Levi was! I relate to your sadness and gut wrenching grief as we, too, have lost several beloved dogs. Each one hits hard! Yet, we cannot be without them and so bring another into our hearts and homes - to love for as long as they grace our lives.
    We draw comfort from the many wonderful memories, but the grief must be worked through in its own time.
    Sending gentle hugs to you.


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